2. A Sunny May Morning

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I skipped down the stairs on the sunny May morning. Shockingly I was in a good mood.

I heard the doorbell ring followed by the signature three knocks, Harry. Before I could get to the door, my mother had answered it.

"You know, Harry, you don't need to knock and ring the doorbell." My mum said cooly to the messy haired boy.

"Sorry ma'am, your door is just so wondeful I can't keep my hands off it, much like your daughter." He provoked my mum, her face twisted in horror and her jaw rested firmly on the wooden floor.

"Harry! Let's go!" I grabbed my bag and pushed the idiot out the door. "You fucking dimwit! Why did you say that?" I shoved his shoulder, the pair of us in fits of laughing.

"Because Olivia, I love annoying your mother." He choked out after calming himself.

"She hates you." I stated the obvious, making a cheeky grin spread on the older boys face.

"Almost as much as she hates you." He jeered, poking my ribs.

"Hey! She loves me you asshole." I raised an eyebrow.

Just like every other day, Harry and I parted ways when the bell rang, him being eighteen and me being days away from seventeen we were in two different years. We'd say goodbye in our usual, lovely, friendly way... Flipping each other off.

It's clear to see how all the girl around here drool over Harry, every single girl in my year has had a major crush on him at some point. But he has a way about him, he makes every girl he talks to feel special and to say he's a flirt is an understatement.

I met up with my class friend, Hanna. We talked for a bit about how our weekends were and usual girly gossip which was nice, I don't get to do that a lot. Hanna's only been here a few weeks as she just moved here from, oh where was it, Wolverhampton I think.

"Holy shit Olivia, he's coming over here. That guy, is coming over here. He's so hot, and he's got tattoos and oh shush!" She begin whisper yelling. Me being facing the opposite direction, I couldn't see who she was talking about.

"Who?" I asked, turning around and being confronted by a smug Harry.


"Harold." I stepped back, while he stared me down. I momentarily forgot about poor Hanna who was standing in awe next to me.

"It's rude to stare." Harry snapped the girl from her trance.

"Harry! Don't be a dick." I swatted his arm. "Hanna, this is Harry whom you have unfortunate luck of meeting." I narrowed my eyes at him for being rude to Hanna.

"Hi love." He smiled at her. "Anyway Liv the reason I'm here is to ask you something-"

"Harry for the tenth time I won't marry you." I smirked, I know how much it pisses him off when someone cuts him off mid sentence.

"Would you shut your sarcastic mouth and listen to me!" He said too loudly, his anger emerging, bad move on my part. I could see he was shocked at himself, and people began to stare. "Dammit Liv." He sighed, dropping his head.

"Sorry Harry. What was it?" I asked him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Will you ditch with me, please?" He begged, his mood no longer cheeky and playful.

"Harry no, I can't... I don't wanna leave Hanna alone, no."

"It's fine Olivia! Go!" She smiled, waving me off.

Harry's eyes were pleading and I could tell there was something wrong, so I gave in.

Hanna promised to tell the teachers I wasn't in and Harry had already set the same arrangement up with his friend Jay, so we left quickly and quietly.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked when we left the school grounds.

"My dads back."

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