Chapter 18

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Moving the few boxes from my flat to Nialls didn't take much time but to be honest his big and modern house doesn't really feel like home.
I feel like I am visiting a distant relative's home or like I am staying at a very fancy hotel.
It's been three days since I moved in with him and so far I figured out how to use his coffee machine with it's thousand buttons to make his morning coffee and without flodding the kitchen counter.
I know where things are in the kitchen and figured out the settings on his shower.
Niall tells me to use everything like it is my own but I still hesitate before I open some cupboards like there are possible secrets he is hiding in there.
Today is the day of the fundraising event and Niall just got off the phone with his management that told us when the driver is picking us up.
"We have around two hours now", Niall sighs and yawns before he grabs the second cup of coffee I made for him today.
"You are not the only one that is nervous for today", he smiles weakly over his cup and I hug him from behind, resting my head on his back.
"I am super excited to show you to the world but I don't want you to get hurt", he speaks and I place gentle kisses on his back.
"I think I can handle the hate as long as I am with you babe", I smile and he spins me around so that I am now facing him and he kisses me passionately.
"I will not let you deal with it alone, ever", he promises me.
"I gotta get ready now", I tell him and he let's go of me.
In the bathroom I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair, while I do my make up I call Elise that tells me repeatedly that she would kill to go to that event in my place.
The world of the rich and famous is made for her and her outgoing personality.
"Show me your outfit", she demands and I place the phone on the counter in the bathroom so that she is able to see me.
"Not you in your bathrobe silly, the dress", I laugh at her and get changed.
"Careful I could be taking screenshots and than Niall Horan's new girlfriend would have her first scandal", Elise grins and I playfully try to hide my body behind a towel.
"Gosh you look like a princess", Elle gasps when I finally have the dress on with my hair in a loose half up half down and the make up accenting my eyes.
"Thank you Elle, I really wish you were here with me", I sigh and walk closer to my phone sitting down on the stool in front of the counter.
"I will check every celebrity account on all the social media and comment things like that is my best friend", she laughs and her eyes sparkle.
"You will only like me for my fame", I dramatically hide my face behind my hands and she fake pouts "Never my love", she yells.
I hear a knock on the door and I tell Elise that I have to go now, she blows me a kiss and tells me how much she loves me.
"Babe are you ready? We need to go", Niall calls behind the close bathroom door and I walk out.
"Wow", he breathes and holds me an arms length away from him so he is able to have a better look at me.
"You look even prettier in this dress than I remember", he grins happily and I blush while trying to avoid his gaze.
"Don't be shy", Niall hugs me and kisses me carefully, trying not to mess up my make up.
"I am finally presenting my princess to the world", he says more to himself than to me and I cup his face "Niall I love you", the words leave my mouth quicker than I am able to stop them and I blush a deep red.
How did I become so vulnerable so quickly how could he have that much power over me?
I bite my tongue and I am anxiously waiting for Niall to say something, maybe I messed it all up now maybe he doesn't feel the same way.
"Victoria Webber I love you too", he finally speaks and this time he doesn't care about my make up.
He kisses me so deeply and passionately that I can feel the love he is giving me in every part of my body.
"Our driver is here but god I wish I could just take that dress off of you now", he whispers and I punch his arm "You have so much more time for that, remember I am yours", I smile and he takes my hand while we walk to the dark car that is parked in front of his house.
Niall keeps holding my hand "Don't say anything to the paparazzi just keep holding on to my hand and everything will be fine, I will answer all the questions at first", Niall explains and I relax a little, now knowing that I don't have to speak to the paparazzi.
"Don't worry I am here", he smiles and I know that he is telling the truth.
We exit the car and I am immediately blinded by the flashing lights of the cameras and the yelling of paparazzi makes my head spin.
"Don't worry I am here", Nialls words echo in my head and his hand in mine gives me comfort and strength.
"Niall who is this girl?" "Is this the girl from the park?"
Thousands of questions rain down on me and Niall gives the cameras his dazzling smile and gives a short statement "This is my girlfriend Victoria Webber and I am very happy to be with her".
All following questions about our relationship are being smugly ignored by Niall and he guides me over the red carpet, stopping at the right places and always keeping the smile on his face.
"That was intense", I sigh when I finally let the muscles on my face relax after smiling for what felt like hours.
"You are now officially dating Niall Horan how does that feel?", Niall asks mocking a question that one paparazzi screamed at me just before we left the red carpet.
"Don't know if I can answer that question mister", I tease and he chuckles.
"You should take your seat now", a person working for the venue tells us and shows us to the table we are sitting at.
"Hey mate", a voice exclaims happily and Niall spins around throwing his arms around the person the voice belongs to.
"Louis", he laughs loudly and pulls away from the hug.
Both men's eyes sparkle and I can see the strong connection they both share.
"Louis this is Vicky", he introduces me when we sit down at the table.
"Ah I guess our Nialler finally found his princess", Louis grins and I blush trying to hide that I am uncomfortable by smiling at him.
"I am Eleanor", the pretty brunette next to Louis extends her hand over the table and I shake it.
Niall and Louis catch up with each other and I swap seats with Louis so I am sitting next to Eleanor who quickly wraps me up in a conversation.
"Why do girls always have to go to the toilet together?", Louis remarks as both Eleanor and I get up to go to the bathroom.
"We need to have a space to gossip about you lot in peace", Eleanor snaps and winks at me.
Niall kisses my hand before I link my arm with Eleanors and we head out of the main hall and off to the toilets.
As we walk past the buffet we chuckle about Louis dumbfounded face and suddenly I hear someone calling my name.
My heart drops and I the grip I have on Eleanors arm gets tighter when I turn around and see who the voice belongs to.
"Dad?", I exclaim in disbelief my voice barely audible anymore when I meet the storm grey eyes of my father who is serving fish to an elderly woman.
I rush away before he is able to walk around the buffet and get to me, Eleanor following close behind.

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