[16] Vroom vroom, I'm in me ___'s car

Start from the beginning

"Are your parents not..." Zander pointed his spoon at her.

It was no secret that Astra's mum and dad barely qualified as parents. For Astra, at least, because her older sister Cassie was the Chosen One although she hadn't slain lots of children with a deep hate for sand. Astra had happily lived in Cassie's shadow for most of her life - relished in it even, because she was protected there and Cassie had been a great sister.

Emphasis on had, because a year ago, Cassie went missing.

Later, they pronounced her dead and shut her Missing Persons case.

Cassie had been friends with so many people, been admired from afar and respected by so many that the funeral was filled with strangers Astra had never seen before. It had felt so impersonal, so wrong.

But right after, when they were hovering outside Cassie's bedroom door holding her boxes, her parents had clearly laid out her future for her. And as Astra had struggled to complete step after step of their meticulous plan, she realised how Cassie became the 'Golden Child'. Maybe it had been natural for Cassie, but Astra could barely breathe around the work she had to do to keep up the image of that perfect child.

And when she didn't?

It hurt, and they made sure it did.

"Anyways, did you guys see..."

She drowned out all her feelings and focused on the conversation, fingering the empty wallet and ignoring the grumbles of her equally empty stomach.


i need to talk to you

Pixal froze over the keys, rereading the message twice over, then looked out of the window to calm her down with a deep breath. Zane wasn't breaking up with her...right? She'd never been in a relationship before but based off most movies that phrase wasn't the greatest in a relationship. Her room was on one of the highest floors in Borg Tower, offering an amazing view of Ninjago City - one she preferred to gaze at during the night because it was simply magical. It was a puzzle of skyscrapers jumbled together flashing neon lights which bounced off the glass and turned the city into a magnificent kaleidoscope of colours.

She sighed, pulling up the fuzzy pink blanket to her chest to set down her cooling mug of hot chocolate to reply.

sure, what's up?

I had to leave Doomsday Comix early today because my father asked me to come home

The three circles moved up and down on an invisible wave

When I got home, i met Evan

Who's Evan?

Evan is my younger brother

Your...younger brother?

From another mother, my father says

Doesn't it seem a bit suspicious to you? Your father's never mentioned Evan before has he?

Zane's little white bubble disappeared for a fearful five minutes before it popped up again.

He...hasn't talked about him before but when I arrived home he seemed pretty upset, then again, half the time he's either crying in joy or sadness about his inventions and I can't tell which is which

Just make sure Evan is okay

While she typed the last message, she couldn't help but feel suspicious of Evan. Coming in out of nowhere, and Dr Julien was a very smart, very discombobulated, but a very smart man. Even through text, Zane's reply seemed to be a little defensive. They said goodnight, promising to meet up after school tomorrow at the waterpark just outside the city. Hopefully the others wouldn't barge in.

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