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I am in the waiting room at the hospital while the doctors check on Ethan. My hands have not stopped shaking since I got here. I know this is not the first time Ethan has been in this situation, but I feel far more nervous than I was the first time. I can barely stop moving my hands and legs. Ya Allah, I hope it's not severe. The doctor comes out, and I quickly walk towards her.

"How is he doctor? I hope it's nothing serious. Can I see him?" I ask so many questions at once

"Cool down, Miss, Ethan is going to be fine. He only had a minor concussion."

"Alhamdulillah, can I see him?" I am very eager to see how he is doing.

"This way," she says and walks me to the room that Ethan is staying in.

I walk inside, and Ethan is asleep. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. I walk over and sit down in the chair beside the bed. I can feel myself calming down as soon as I see his handsome face.I am so happy it's not something serious that is wrong with him. I can't imagine losing Ethan, and I don't even know why I can't. I feel like the world without him won't be complete for me anymore. I feel so many new things towards Ethan, and I don't even know what they mean.

I hear movement in the bed. I turn to see if he is waking up, but he is not. His eyes are tightly closed, and the expression on his face looks like he is in great pain. He has a lot of sweat on his forehead. Maybe he is having a bad dream.

"Ethan!" I say trying to wake him up. He looks like he is in a lot of pain in this dream. He does not answer and starts turning all over the bed. This dream must be horrible; I need to wake him up.

"Adina?" Ethan says in a whisper.

"Yes, Ethan, it's me. Wake up."

"Save me, she is going to kill me," Ethan says and grabs my hand in a tight grip. I don't know if my ears are deceiving me, but I am sure I heard a hint of fear in his voice. Oh my God, what is happening? Whatever is happening in his dream must be making him very scared.

"Ethan can you hear me, wake up. "Wake up, it's all a dream," I say, raising my voice and shaking his body.

"Adina, Adina, Adina!" Ethan says, screaming in agony while increasing his grip on my hand. He is holding it so tight that I fear if I try to remove my hand, it might only make him more scared.

"Ethan, please wake up, you're scaring me," I say, becoming increasingly concerned by the minute.I gently use my free hand to tap his face, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

"Adina, please don't leave me. Adina, please save me, please," Ethan says in horrified fear while pleading.

"Ethan!!! Wake Up!!!!" I say screaming in his ears, hoping I can save him from his nightmare.

Ethan jolts awake with his eyes full of fear and confusion. Ethan looks around him before settling his eyes on me. He looks at me, and all the fear and uncertainty in his eyes go away. He pulls me tightly into his arms, filling my whole body with his warmth and intoxicating perfume that I am starting to like a lot these days. I can hear his heart beating fast against mine, but that is not what is leaving me in great wonder right now. Our hearts beat at the same pace.The room is so silent that the only thing that can be heard is the sound of our heartbeats. Oh my God, what is happening? I can't believe our hearts are beating in unison; does this mean anything?I doubt it; I am probably overthinking it. I gently try to move out of his embrace, but that only makes him tighten his arms around me. I know its wrong Islamically, but a part of me does not want him to let go.

"Thank God you are safe. "I thought I'd lost you to her," Ethan says as his breath fans my neck, sending a chill down my spine.

"I'm not sure what happened in your dream, but everything is fine now," I say to his chest, feeling it vibrate with each word I say.Ethan does not say anything for a good minute; it's like he is practically not here.

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