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It feels like it was yesterday I was left to rot at that unknown place. Khloe was able to save me that day. I can't believe Ethan left me there. I know he was angry, but that is not enough reason for him to leave me there. I should not be surprised anyways because it's Ethan I am talking about, someone who hates me more than anything in this world. He hurt me a little that night, nothing serious, but I still feel little pains in my arms when I move them. His grip was really tight that night.

I am on my way to class this beautiful afternoon. I get to class and take my seat, waiting for the professor to arrive. Someone takes a seat beside me, but I don't border to look up from my phone to know who it is. The professor arrives after a few seconds, and the class starts. I keep my phone on the table and look up. The person sitting beside me is not someone I want to see after what happened on Saturday. Ethan is sitting beside me. Why is he sitting beside me? I look around to see if all the seats are occupied, but they are not, so why is he. Ethan will never willingly sit beside me; something must be wrong with him today. I don't say anything to him and mind my business.

I take out my pen from my bag to write, but it falls from my hand. I try to pick it up, but someone beats me to it. Ethan helps me pick up my pen. What is going on? The Ethan I have known for three years now would never help me pick up my pen. Is something wrong with him? I did not realise I had zoned off until Ethan speaks.

"Adina your pen," Ethan says in a calm voice that I have never heard him use before.

"Thank you," I say, taking the pen from his hand.

"You are welcome," Ethan says in the same soft tone he used earlier. Can today get any weirder with Ethan's behaviour? Why is he behaving like a totally different person today? Ethan would never ever say any polite word towards me, and he just did. Wow, I can't believe it. I feel like I am dreaming right now. I wonder what is making him act like this. Anyways that is not my problem right now, I have a class that is going on, and that is where my attention should be.

After an exhausting two hours, the lecture is finally over. I am walking out of the classroom when I hear Ethan calling my name. I pretend like I can't hear him and walk fast. I don't want to speak to him alone, and he made sure everyone left before he called my name. I can only imagine what he wants to do to me today. I hear his footsteps getting closer, so I increase my speed. Last time he might have only hurt my arms by mistake, but today it might not be so. He was very calm around me, which makes me very scared. There is a saying that when someone is calm, that is when they are most dangerous. If they want to hurt you, they will do it painfully because they are thinking straight and can do a lot of harm. That is why I am running away from Ethan. It's funny how I am running away from him, and two weeks ago I would have never thought I would. I think it's because regardless of the number of times Ethan and I have fought, never has he been the way he was with me on Saturday. I am able to outwalk him and quickly get to my car. Alhamdulillah, I was able to.

I am on my way to meet Usman for dinner; I prayed Isha before leaving the house. He has been busy since he came into town. I park my car and walk into the restaurant. I see him sitting with a few papers in front of him. I walk over to join him.

"I thought we came to eat, not for you to work," I say once I take my seat.

"Is that how you should greet your elder brother?" Usman says, lifting his head from the papers in front of him.

"As salamu alaykum"

"Wa alaykumu salam"

"Are you happy now?"

"I don't blame you; it's because I love you too much."

"If you don't love me, who would love me," I say laughing while Usman just shakes his head smiling.

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