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My legs take their own accord and start walking towards the exit of the airport. Please, Allah, save Ethan; I pray that nothing terrible has happened to him. I find an empty cab with ease and give the address of the hospital to the driver that I could remember Grace saying over the phone before it slipped from my palms. It takes a good hour before we get to the hospital and all the way my hands have not stopped shaking. They have been trembling in fear of what state Ethan might be in. I quickly step out of the cab and walk towards the entrance of the hospital. Ya Allah, please save him.

"Ple-e-ease I am look-k-king for-r—r Eht-tt-h-a-n Ma-nt-t-o-n-e," I say feeling myself shaking in nervousness and fear, which caused me to shutter. The nurse is about to speak when a voice beats her to it.

"Adina," Florence says, barely audible.

I turn around to face her, and I burst into tears with one look at her. The beautiful deep grey eyes of hers that Ethan inherited are red with tears. Her skin has become pale, and there are bags under her eyes. Her face is red in pain from a headache I am sure she is getting from all the crying she has been doing.

I slowly walk towards her and pull her into a hug I know she needs right now. She does not have to say it, but I know Ethan is not in a good state. Ya Allah, please save Ethan; I pray that he will be able to escape whatever situation he is in alive. We release from our hug when someone says nonsense out of her mouth.

"Can you both stop embarrassing us and stop crying like he is dead? For Christ sake, he just had an accident. Quit with the crying. You're both drawing attention to yourselves, and we have a reputation to uphold," Patricia says, scowling.

"What did you just say?" Florence expresses her displeasure with the way she is reacting to what is going on.

"You heard me, and you, of all people, should know better than to embarrass yourself in public. If you have forgotten, you are the ex-wife of a prestigious person in society. "

"I think something is wrong with you. My son is fighting for his life, and you dare to tell me to uphold my reputation by not crying out my pain and fear for him. You must be nuts to even think I would do that. I don't even know what you are doing here. Who called you here?"

"I am here because my stepson was involved in an accident and also watch the way you talk to me."

We all know Patricia is not here because she cares about Ethan. I am sure she is here, so the public won't say she is a bad person if she did not come.

"If I don't, are you going to put me in the same situation as my son? Do you think I don't know what you and that evil son of yours did to my precious baby? I might not be able to prove it, but I know you must be behind the reason Ethan was involved in an accident," Florence says, with a lot of rage.

The words Florence just said have shaken me to my core. Is the hatred Patricia has towards Ethan that bad that she could cause him to have an accident? I don't even know the answer to that question, because I do not even know the reason why Patricia hates Ethan or why he hates her either. But I don't think Florence is just making up things either. She must have her reason to accuse Patricia.

"Don't you dare accuse me of things you don't know about?" Patricia says coming up in Florence's face while her eyes are throwing daggers at her

"I will accuse you of anything I see fit for your disgusting character," Florence says, not backing down, and I'm sure she's already stabbed her in the head a million times.

"I think you should wait outside Patricia," Federico says, finally speaking up since the whole drama.

Patricia does not say anything but huffs and turns towards the exit with her heels, clicking the tiles the whole way out.

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