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I wake up to unbearable pain in my right shoulder. I adjust my eyes to get a good look at my surrounding. All the walls around me are painted white. There is a little couch in the room next to the window. Beside me there is a table and a chair, it has someone sleeping on it. The person's head is resting on the side of my bed, so I can't see the person's face. I look at what I am wearing, and it's a hospital gown. I suddenly recall why my shoulder hurts awfully. Alhamdulilah, I survived the gunshot. The person sleeping beside me suddenly moves in their sleep, allowing me to finally get a glimpse of their face. I am not surprised Ethan is the one sleeping here. He looks very peaceful while sleeping. He is the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on. I really missed him this past three months he was gone. Alhamdulilah, I survived the gunshot. I can't believe what would have happened to Ethan if I had died. He would have felt guilty all his life, Alhamdulilah, that did not happen. I feel my throat a bit sore and decide to stand up to look for water to drink. I carefully stand up from the bed, making sure not to wake up Ethan, but that goes down the drain. He rushes to my side once he sees me on my feet.

"Adina, you are awake, and what are you doing getting out of bed," Ethan says, quickly walking to my side. He gently guides me back to the bed.

"I just woke up, and I felt thirsty. I was going to get some water," I say, laying back on the bed.

"You should have woken me up. I can get that for you. I don't want you stressing yourself in your condition."

"Ethan, my condition is not that bad, and you were sleeping so peacefully. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up".

"It is, and next time, please wake me up. Let me go and get your water; I will be back soon," Ethan says and walks out of the room.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, princess," Ethan says before he walks out.

Ethan comes back with water and food for me. It's like he read my mind that I was starving. While eating, I decide to find out what happened after I fainted.

"Ethan, what happened after I blacked out?" I ask after finishing a bit of my food

"Austin tried to reshoot me but got shot by an officer first."

"Wow, he was really hell-bent on killing you, Alhamdulilah he failed. Is he alive?"

"He is alive and would be spending a lot of time in jail with his mom for all the wrong they have committed."

"Patricia is also going to jail?"

"Yes, she is. During the time you were kidnapped. She tried to illegally buy some shares from the company and also helped her son with your kidnapping".

"Wow, a lot happened while I was gone, but I have to ask how was kidnapping me going to help their plans."

"They wanted me to transfer the company into their names. They kidnapped you to threaten me into doing that because they knew very well that only by harming you would I ever consider giving up the company".

"Wow, but you were not even around. What if you never found out I was kidnapped. What would have happened to their plan because no one knew where you have been for the past three months. I am still curious to know where you went".

"I don't know what would have happened, but I am glad I was able to find out you were kidnapped. I can't imagine my life without you, and never repeat what you did there. I can't live my life knowing you sacrificed your life for me. Please never do that again".

"Alhamdulilah, you found out, and In Shaa Allah, we won't ever find ourselves in such a situation again."

"I pray so too."

Later in the day, my elder brother Abdulhakim comes to see me at the hospital.

"Adina, how are you doing? I hope you are not in pain", Abdul says, worried as he looks at me from head to toe.

"Alhamdulilah, I am doing fine. You didn't need to come from New York".

"You got shot, and you think that's not enough reason for me to fly all the way here."

"Maybe it is, but as you can see, I am doing fine. So please don't make those at home worry too much," I say, imagining what my family back home must be going through if the one that can see me is panicking like this. They have all right to panic, but I wish they won't

"I can't promise you that because they should be landing at the airport any time soon."

"What? How long was I at sleep" I say, wondering how my family might already be in California. It takes a day to fly from Nigeria to California.

"Little sis, you were in a coma for three days."

"Wow, I didn't know that"

"Now you understand why I am worried about you."

"Yeah, I do, and I am sorry I made you worry. I never meant for this to happen".

"It's fine, and I know you didn't mean for it to happen. Alhamdulilah, you are alive; that's all that matters".

A few hours after my brother arrived, the rest of my family comes, and my mom can't keep her tears at bay.

"My baby girl, I can't imagine what you went through. Alhamdulilah, you are alive and doing well. Ya Allah, thank you for saving my daughter," My mom says with tears flowing down her eyes.

"Mom, you need to stop crying. I am doing fine".

"I can't stop crying, my dear, because every time I think of what happened, I can't be more grateful to Allah for bringing you back to us safely."

"I understand, mom, but please stop crying. Dad, please help me here".

"Your mother is right, the whole situation could have turned out worst, but Alhamdulilah, it did not." My dad says

"Yes, and the fact that you saved Ethan. Oh my dear, I never knew you were that brave, but Alhamdulilah, everything is fine now," My mom says

"I am truly proud of what you did, my dear. May Allah continue to bless you, my child," My dad says

"Thank you, mom and dad."

Khloe came by, and she almost cried once she saw the bruises on my face from the slap and my bandaged shoulder. She did not leave town since the day I was kidnapped and helped Ethan in the search to find me. Ethan's whole family came, and his mom could not stop thanking me for saving Ethan's life. I am truly grateful to Allah for making it possible for both Ethan and I to be alive today. Ethan's dad also came, and I don't need to be told to know he is not taking the betrayal of his wife very well. I can't imagine what he is going through right now. I genuinely feel sorry for him for falling in love with the wrong woman. 

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