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I can't believe good food was used to bribe me to come for this event. The food at the event was not bad, but right now, that is not the problem. I am starting to feel sleepy due to how bored I am. It's a dinner ball, the person my brother wants to sign a deal with is hosting it. I am currently sitting down outside, trying to entertain myself by watching videos on Instagram.

"Adina is that you," A familiar deep voice says. I turn around, and I am right, Ethan is the one who called me.

"Yes," I say, surprised to see him here.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan says, joining me on the balcony.

"I should be asking you the same"

"What is my name?"

"Ethan Mantone," I say, and I realise that Ethan has the same surname as the man hosting the event tonight. He must be Ethan's father; wow, I would have never guessed that.

"From the look on your face, I can tell, you know why I am here. So why are you?"

"My brother is trying to get a deal signed with your dad, so he came for the event to pitch his idea to him."

"Oh, that explains it."

"Yeah, and I would have never guessed him to be your dad."


"Because everything about that man speaks Italian and you don't."

Ethan's dad, the man hosting tonight's event is Mr Federico Mantone, a very handsome Italian man.


"Yes, you don't."

"Maybe it is because my mom is American."

"Oh, that explains it."

"Anyways what are you doing out here."

"Got bored of staying inside," I say feeling a cold breeze pass by. It's a bit chilly tonight; it's expected with winter around the corner.

"Are you cold?"

"A bit," I say, rubbing my arms around myself.

"Here," Ethan says, taking off his suit jacket and drops it over my shoulder.

"No, you don't have to," I say trying to give him back his suit, but he stops me.

"No, you can have it."

"Thank you," I say smiling, really surprised with Ethan's kind gestures. They never seize to surprise me every time.

"You are welcome and how are you preparing for your exams," Ethan says, and I am about to answer before a high pitched voice interrupts me.

"Ethan, dear, is that you. I have been looking everywhere for you" A girl says while walking towards Ethan and me. She looks to be the same age as me. She has blond hair, blue eyes and a slim figure.

"How many times have I told you never to call me that," Ethan says in a cold tone, but not as severe as he used to speak with me.

"Whatever and what are you doing here?" She says, looking at me from head to toe with a scowl on her face. Why is she looking at me like that? I don't even know who she is?

"That is none of your business, now go inside. I will be there shortly" Ethan says

"Why don't we go back inside together," She says, wrapping her arms around Ethan's arm like he is her possession, and she is fighting for him. Why is she behaving like this? I also wonder who she is to Ethan.

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