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I arrive at his house after a few minutes of driving. I quickly walk inside to find Khloe. I check a few places upstairs before walking back downstairs to look for her. I am about to call her number when someone grabs my hand. Alhamdulillah, she found me, and I can't wait to get out of here before Ethan notices. I turn around expecting Khloe to be the one holding my hand, but I am surprised to see who grabbed my hand.

"Hey guys, look who decided to join the party. Princess Fi-i-i-i-o-o-n-n-nnn-aa-a-a" Ethan says totally drunk. I can smell alcohol on every inch of his body. Why does he drink so much alcohol? I don't like it, and I wish he could stop.

"Ethan, what did you just call me? And can you take your hands off me? Your grip is a little too tight," I say, feeling the warmth pass through my body as his hand rests on mine. My heart feels at peace with this little touch. I try to pry my hand free from his grasp, but he only tightens it further. I also realise he called me the name of the princess he used to call me when he hated me. He called me Princess Fiona as an insult, meaning I look like an ogress. Does this mean he hates me now? What am I thinking; of course, he hates me now. It breaks my heart to know he sees me the way he used to.

"Princess Fiona and no, I won't release you," He says and almost loses his balance, but he grabs my other hand to steady himself, making the warmth from his body fill me up. I can feel all of my body alive with this simple touch. How amazing my body reacts to it.

"Ethan, please could you release my hand I don't want any trouble. I am only here to pick up Khloe and leave. "

"I won't release your hand because I want to do this," Ethan says and drags me outside. He throws me into the pool.

"Oh my God," I say in total shock at what he just did. I can't believe Ethan would do this to me. I know he hates me now, but throwing me into a pool is a bit too much. I resurface from under the water and walk out. I am wet from head to toe, and I can't imagine myself driving home like this. I would wet my car seats, and they would smell.

"The next time I see you in my house, I won't be nice enough just to throw you into the pool. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BITCH!!!" Ethan says, roaring in my face. I was frozen in my place by his outburst. Everyone on the pool deck looks at me. I have never felt more humiliated in my life, like how I feel right now. I wish the ground could swallow me with the amount of embarrassment I feel.

Even though I still want to find Khloe, I drag my wet self out of his house with as much dignity as I could muster. I can't bear to stay there any moment longer.

I am about to walk out of the door when someone wraps their arms around me. Khloe's familiar perfume fills my nostrils, and without blinking an eye, I break down into tears. I cry about the fact that I have genuinely lost the one I care about. I cry as I realise the one I care about hates me more than anything in the world. I cry for my heart, which is in pain and dying in the absence of someone special to it. I cry for all the sorrow, sadness and pain I feel from losing the most important person to me, and there is nothing I can do about it.

I feel my legs entwined with someone else's. The person's skin feels so smooth and makes my body feel warm close to it. My head is in the crook of the person's neck and, unknown to me, I smuggle closer to the person. My heart feels at peace with his body close to me. A pair of muscular arms go around my bare waist while a husky voice whispers into my ears, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Good morning, Mia Regina," Ethan says as his raspy breath fans my ear. It makes all of me come alive in a different way than usual. My dark brown eyes lock with those beautiful, deep grey eyes of his. I quickly hide my face under the blanket once I remember what we did last night.

I can't believe we are married and finally spent the night together. I have longed for this more than anything in the world, and it finally happened in the right way, and I couldn't be happier.

"Mi amore, you should not be shy of me. Last night, we only did what our hearts desired." He says trying to lift the blanket off my face, but I hold it tighter. I blush in embarrassment as he talks about it.

"If I don't see your beautiful face in the next two seconds, I will make sure you don't leave this bed for the whole day."

"Ethan!" I say in bewilderment while I quickly lift my face to be graced with that sexy smirk on that handsome face of his. This man will never cease to amaze me with his wild thoughts.

"Good, now I can admire that gorgeous face of yours as much as I want," He says, smiling gracefully towards me with so much genuine admiration in his eyes. It surprises me how he can look at me the way he does, with so much affection and admiration in his eyes for me.

"How are you doing, mi amore?" Ethan says, looking a bit worried that he might have hurt me last night.

"I am a bit sore, but other than that, I am good," I say, remembering all the beautiful things Ethan made me feel last night, things I could have never imagined.

"We need to take a shower and change the sheets too."


Ethan and I took a shower together, and I was blushing the entire time. I am currently downstairs making some breakfast for us while Ethan speaks to someone on the phone. He comes downstairs looking dashing as ever in a pair of beach shorts and a white t-shirt that shows off those lovely biceps of his, that I like to keep just to myself. I can't believe I own all of him.

"If you keep staring at me like that, I won't be held responsible for us being late for the beach," Ethan says, a lovely smirk gracing those gorgeous lips.

"Do my eyes say that much?" I'm blushing with embarrassment because I was caught staring.

"They say a lot mi amore," Ethan says sitting on the kitchen stool while I place his breakfast in front of him

"I hope you like what I made for breakfast," I say taking a seat beside him.

"I already had my breakfast, and I loved it. This is just brunch," Ethan says with a wink.

"Ethan!" I say, wondering if he will ever get tired of teasing me, but I won't lie, I actually love it.

We finish breakfast and decide to take our leave for the beach. We are currently on our honeymoon in Cuba. I am walking towards Ethan when I feel him far away from me. I try to reach for him, but I feel him further away from me. I call his name, but I can't hear my voice. I scream his name, but it feels like my vocal cords don't work anymore. I try reaching for him, but he only fades further away from me. I start to notice everything around me, disappearing as he also disappears away from me.

I hear my name called from a distance, but I can't seem to figure out who owns the voice or where the person is calling me from.

"Adina, Adina, Adina, wake up. You're having a bad dream; wake up," the voice says, and I recognize the voice and follow its instructions.

"He left me, Khloe; he has left me for good," I say, waking up with tears in my eyes while I pull Khloe into a hug. I cry my heart out as I realise that even in my dreams, Ethan still leaves me.

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