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Today is another bright day, I did my morning routine, and I am on my way to class when the almighty annoying Ethan stops me on the way.

"Thank God I caught you before class. I want to talk to you."

"What do you want this early morning," I say and take a bite of my doughnut and sip a little of my coffee

"You know Mr Jacob made us partners for the assignment. And you also know that there is no where on this earth, you and I can work together. I rather eat shit than work together with you" Ethan says with a lot of disgust on his face

"The same goes here; I rather work with a mad man than work with you," I say with the same disgust all over my face. I know I hit a nerve by comparing him to a mad man, which was what I was aiming for.

"I will pretend I did not hear you compare me to a mad man and say what I came here to say. We both need to meet Mr. Jacob after class and convince him to change us as partners."

"As much as I don't like to agree to anything you say, I can agree with you this time. Maybe if Mr. Jacob sees how we both don't want to work together, he might agree to change us as partners."

"Yes, so after class stay behind so we could talk to him."

"Sure, no problem," I am about to take a bite of my doughnut when Ethan roughly walks past me, causing it to fall

"ETHAN!!!!" I say, screaming his name while he walks away chuckling. I can't believe Mr. Jacob thinks someone like him and I can work together, It's impossible.

"If I did not know better, I would think you are screaming his name because you love him," Khloe says, walking towards me with her boyfriend's arms around her waist.

"We both know that is impossible," I say looking at my poor doughnut on the floor while I plan Ethan's death in my head

"Hi, Adina" Khloe's boyfriend's Marcus says. Marcus is 6 feet tall, has a lean build, deep sea blue eyes and brown hair.

Marcus is someone I don't fancy too well. I believe he is cheating on my friend, but she does not believe me because she thinks he is faithful to her. And I am not just assuming he is, I almost caught him one time, but he lied the lady was his cousin. But I know that lady could not have been his cousin with the way he was all over her. I told Khloe about it as every good friend should, but because of the way she is in love with him, she did not believe my words over his. But I also don't blame her for not believing me, because who knows, I might have been lying to her. I might be jealous and want to steal him from her or ruin her happiness, but unfortunately, that is not the case here. I just pray with time she will catch him one day and leave him

"Hello Marcus," I say trying my best to hide my irritation towards him

"How are you doing?" He says

"I am doing fine and you."

"I am doing great also."

"Yep, I know that, but I have to say whatever you guys were talking about, it seemed like you guys spoke to each other for the first time like normal human beings," Khloe says

"Funny enough I think you are right," I say recalling Ethan, and I just agreed to something for the first time, which seems weird now that I think of it.

"Yeah you guys did, and I think you guys as partners for your assignment might bring an end to you guys' feud."

"I don't think so and In Shaa Allah hopefully by the end of today we won't be partners again."

"Really, that's good then."

"I pray so."

"Alright then I wish you all the best in your classes, see you when you get back," Khloe says hugging me

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