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A few weeks have passed since that beautiful encounter between Ethan and me. I felt so shy to face him again after that day, but the next day in school, Ethan acted like nothing happened. We have become closer than ever; we do a lot of things together that I never saw us doing. We go to class together, study together and even go for lunch together like we are right now. Ethan and I are at a nice restaurant after a long day of lectures.

"I hope you have not forgotten about my game on Saturday," Ethan says after he takes a bite of his chicken.

"You have been talking about it for the past two weeks. I won't miss it for the world" I say after taking a sip of my drink.

"I just want to remind you so you won't forget."

"I won't and is Saturday, not Caroline's birthday," I say recalling the lovely girl telling me about it last time we met.

"Yes, it is, and she said I should ask you if you could make a few doughnuts for her birthday."

"Of course, I would love to, but there is a little problem."

"What is it?"

"If it's for her birthday, she would probably need a lot which would mean I would need a bigger oven than mine to make it."

"You could come over to my place and make it. I have a huge oven you could use" Ethan says, and I remember the last time I was in his house, this causes me to blush due to our last encounter.

"That's true, and we will need to go shopping for the things I need on Friday after school."

"Yeah, but please why did you say 'we'" Ethan says, emphasising the word 'We.'

"Because you are going to help me make the doughnuts."

"I never said so."

"You didn't need to," I say smiling because he knows there is no escaping.

Today is Friday, Ethan and I are at the supermarket to get the baking ingredients I would need to make the doughnuts. He has been complaining nonstop about how he would prefer to spend his Friday evening getting ready for a party than shopping with me. We finish buying everything we need and drive to Ethan's house to start making the doughnuts. On my way in I meet Grace about to leave.

"Hello, dear," Grace says, hugging me.

"How are you doing Grace," I say hugging her back.

"I am doing fine, my dear. How are you doing?"

"I am good, and it seems you are about to step out."

"Yes, I am going home for the weekend."

"Oh, that's sad. I would have loved it if you could help me with the doughnut because Mr Grumpy here won't stop complaining, and we have not even started yet."

"I would have loved to my dear, but I have to head out now. And also I see your relationship with Ethan has changed since the last time I saw you here."

"Yes, it has," I say, smiling.

"I am happy it has, and I would see you another time."

"Bye, and don't worry. I will leave a few doughnuts for you when you get back."

"Thank you, my dear, bye," Grace says and walks out the door.

I walk to the kitchen to drop the bags with me before going to pray Asr prayer. I walk to the guest room to observe my prayers and walk back to the kitchen to begin.

I lay everything I need, and I am about to start, but someone is missing.

"Ethan!" I say shouting

"Yes," Ethan says from upstairs.

"I am waiting for you in the kitchen."

"I will be there in a sec," Ethan says.

Ethan walks down the stairs while wearing his shirt. Subhan Allah, some people are blessed. I did not stare at his body for long, but the little glimpse I got before I turned away is enough for me to say, Ethan is one sexy guy. Wow, I wish he wore his shirt completely before walking downstairs because right now I am trying to stop myself from thinking about his six abs I just saw.

"So what can I help you with," Ethan says, and it takes a good minute before my brain can process what he says "Adina," He says waving his hands in my face.

"Yes," I say, coming back to my senses.

"I said something."

"Oh, yes, you did. You could help me with measuring the amount of flour we need."

"Alright, and how do I do that?"

I show him how to measure baking ingredients with measuring cups, and he gets the hang of it quickly. I start mixing the liquids while Ethan mix's the solids such as flour, baking powder, baking soda and sugar. I ask Ethan to pour the solids he has mixed into the bowl of liquids when I receive them on my face.

"Oh, My God!" I say as I feel the flour splash on my face. Ethan was pouring the flour into the bowl and did it too fast, so it splashed all over my face.

"I am so sorry," Ethan says, laughing.

"You are sorry, and you are laughing," I say, turning around to face him, and I give him a surprise of my own. I pick a handful of flour in my palm.

"Adina don't," Ethan says, taking steps away from me.

"Ethan dear," I say with an evil smirk and throw the flour at his face.

"You shouldn't have done that," Ethan says chuckling while wiping his face. He picks a bag of icing sugar and blesses me with it all over my body.

"Oh My God Ethan, Subhan Allah see what you have done to me," I say looking at my clothes, and they are all covered in icing sugar. I don't think twice before I grab the bowl of flour and pour it all over him.

After Ethan and I have gotten our reasonable share of messing each other up with foodstuffs, we stop and look around us and laugh at what we have done. We are both covered in flour and icing sugar. I can barely see with my eyes due to how much flour is on my face. I am trying to wipe it off when I feel a pair of rough hands on my face.

"Here, let me help you," Ethan says, wiping the flour away from my eyes, but I stop him.

"No, it's fine, and you are not supposed to touch a lady's face," I say, gently removing his hands from my face. They felt warm on my face and palms.

"Why," Ethan says and puts his hands back on my face, and I feel the warmth of his hands once again before I remove them.

"It is sinful for a man to touch a lady in Islam," I say feeling something I could never think I could feel. I actually miss the warmth of Ethan's hands on my face. What is happening to me?

"Why," He asks confused

"Because you are not my husband or someone I can't marry"

"I don't understand"

"Only the man I am married to or guys I can't marry like my father, brother etc, are the ones allowed to touch me in Islam"

"Wow, I didn't know and I am sorry for touching you," Ethan says, looking remorseful.

"It's fine," I say, smiling.


If you wish to read ahead, you can click the link in my bio to find where you can get the completed version. If the link in my bio gives you problems, let me know in the dm, or you can message me on my social. I will help you with it.❤️🙏

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