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I wake up to the sound of my phone calling the Adhan; I can't believe it's morning already. I get up to observe Fajr (morning) prayers and go back to sleep. I wake up a few hours later, dress up and go to the gym. I can't wait for this year to be over; I am finally going to be done with university. I am in my final year of studying software engineering at California State University, Fullerton.

I am done working out; I walk back to my room, to wake up my roommate to get ready for school. I have a lovely roommate who is a good friend of mine. We met three years ago when we both arrived at the university, and ever since then, we have been friends and roommates.

"Hey! Wake up" I say tapping her

"Do I have to go to school?" Khloe says still trying to get comfortable on her bed.

Khloe is a beautiful brunette with green eyes. She is the same height as me; we are both 5'6 feet tall. She has a light skin tone while I am dark-skinned with dark brown eyes. I have an oval face while she has a heart-shaped face. I am a Nigerian; I was born and raised there. She is American.

"Yes, you do, so get your lazy ass out of that bed and into the bathroom."

"Sometimes I hate you," She says getting up from the bed

"I love you too and don't waste time in the bathroom. I have an early morning class today. I can't be late."

"Fine I won't give birth in the bathroom like you always say I do," She says walking into the bathroom

"Thank you," I say chuckling at my joke

A few minutes after she finishes from the bathroom, I also take a bath and drive us both to school. I drive a black Mercedes Benz AMG GLE. We stop by a cafe to get coffee before going to school. I get an iced coffee for myself and white coffee for Khloe. I am about to take a sip of my coffee while walking out of the cafe, but it's not only a sip that comes out of the cup. Someone rudely hits my elbow, causing my coffee to spill all over me.

"Excuse me!" I say to the person who caused my coffee to spill and is also walking past me like nothing happened.

The person turns his feet from walking out the door and walks back to me. I am trying to clean the coffee stain off my shirt, so I don't know who this rude person is just yet. I lift my head to see who it is, and that is when I understand why the person did not care to say sorry.

"What!" Ethan says in his all too familiar deep rude voice. Ethan has pitch-black hair, is 6 feet tall, has a solid build with deep grey eyes that are glaring at me right now, and a sharp jawline that I am sure can cut through anything.

"You hit me, which caused my coffee to spill all over me," I say, pointing out the obvious.

"So, what do you want me to do about it," He speaks like he has done nothing wrong

"You are supposed to say sorry," I say in a duh tone

"And why should I."

"Because that is what people with manners do."

"I know that, but you don't deserve sorry from me."

"Wow, really, and why is that."

"Because black bitches like you don't deserve it."

"I have told you times without number to stop calling me that," I say getting angry with his insults

"Make me," Ethan says, taking a dangerous step closer to me. I don't say anything, but hiss and walk past him. I don't know why I even expected him to say anything better. It is Ethan, after all.

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