"AHH!" The pigtailed girl screamed, causing the blonde boy to follow suit, both of them startling Yuna as they clung to each of her arms. Jihyun rushed into the room as he slammed the door open, only to flinch and squeak at the sight of the hideous movie monster. Yuna blinked at them blankly, sighing deeply at their antics as the movie resumed.

Sooner rather than later, Marinette had fallen asleep in order to avoid being traumatised by the movie, whilst the other two teenagers watched in silence. Nearing the end of the movie, Adrien jumped at the sudden appearance of the monster, causing Yuna to snicker at his flinch.

"I love you." The father in the movie signalled, a sad smile on his face as his daughter watched. "I have always loved you."

Hearing a sniffle, Adrien turned his head away from the tragic death to face a teary Yuna. Her bottom lip was caught in between her teeth as she tried to blink away fat tears, albeit in vain as they fell down her cheeks. The blonde boy brushed away a tear with his thumb, blushing as he realised his action.

"I didn't think you were the type to get emotional over movies." Yuna chuckled weakly at his statement, as in fact, it wasn't the movie she had gotten sentimental over, but the paternal love that she had missed so much.

After the movie had ended on a chilling cliffhanger, the raven-haired girl shook Marinette gently to wake her up, as it was nearing 10 pm. The bluenette sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes as she realised the time. Offering to take them both home as it was late, Yuna walked with her classmates to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, dropping off Marinette before making her way with Adrien to the Agreste Mansion.

"Are you sure you can walk back home by yourself? It's dangerous this late at night." Adrien watched the girl with a concerned look on his face, while Yuna skipped down the street nonchalantly, hands clasped behind her back. The girl hummed and nodded as a reply, albeit it didn't reassure the blonde's nerves.

"Hey..." The emerald-eyed boy started softly, a gentle smile on his face as Yuna turned to him curiously. She tilted her head, the action causing Adrien's heart to flutter slightly at such a cute look. "Today was really fun! Um... maybe we could— we could hang out again? May— Maybe! If you want to..."

The blonde boy quickly stared at his feet in embarrassment, his face flushing a deep red as his mind began to go into panic mode. His eyes widened and he covered his flustered expression with his hands, internally screaming as Yuna thought he was adorable.

"I'd love to." The raven-haired girl's lips turned upwards and her eyes became crescents, her smile pretty enough to make Adrien blush darker, if it was possible. They both came to a stop, realising they were in front of the Agreste mansion gates.

"I'll see you next time then." Adrien grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck while Yuna nodded and waved as she walked away. The boy quickly ran into his room, clutching his racing heart before locking the door. A little black kwami flew out of his pocket with a tiny smirk on his face.

"Nyah, nyah, 'I only have feelings for Ladybug'!"

"No time to talk, I've gotta make sure she gets home safe! Plagg, claws out!"


The leather-clad hero slinked in between the shadows of Parisian streets, discretely following the girl who walked home with a skip in her step. Her dark grey cardigan was on top of her black shirt and plaid skirt, her black combat boots making small clacks on the sidewalk. She laughed at something her friend said on the phone, a bubbly sound erupting from her throat that created butterflies in Chat's stomach. 'Hmph. I wanna make her laugh like that.'

Rounding the corner, Yuna disappeared from his sight briefly as he hopped from roof to roof. When she didn't come into view after a few seconds, a knot formed in his stomach, worry seeping into his chest. The cat-themed hero panickedly searched for her in the alleyways, heart clenching as he found her arm being forcefully held by a man who laughed with his two friends.

"I'll call you back." The Korean girl slid her phone into her pocket before swinging her arm at her harrasser's face, successfully making contact as the loud 'smack' resounded. His head snapped to the side as he looked up at her with a snarl.

"You little..." He lunged at her, only to be met with a harsh kick in the groin, leading to the man falling to the ground in pain.

"Your stance is sloppy." She clicked her tongue, facing the other two who came at her with raised fists. Before they could touch her, a long metal pole had whacked them both in the face before they were kicked down by Chat Noir. A look of pure rage and disgust donned his face as he glared down at the men, all groaning and grovelling on the floor.

Yuna smiled softly, opening her mouth to thank the hero. However, a small yelp of pain left her lips as the first man pulled out a knife and slashed her calf. She stumbled forward, quickly caught by Chat as a spotted yoyo collided with the attacker's hand, causing him to drop the knife.

"These are my favourite shoes." The Korean mumbled, watching as a few drops of blood stained her boots. She kicked the man in the temple, knocking him out as Ladybug tied all three men with her string.

"Lucky it's not too deep, does it hurt?" Chat Noir looked down at her in worry, arms still embracing her. Realising their position, he quickly let go and placed his hands on her shoulders for stability. Yuna's phone rang, the screen lighting up as the contact name 'DanDan' flashed. 

"Where'd you go? Did something happen?"

"I just saw a cute cat. I'll talk to you when I get home." She rose a brow and smirked as she stared up at Chat Noir, a blush on his face as he looked away in embarrassment.

"Chat, take her home and get it treated. I'll take these guys to the station."

"Will do, Bugaboo." The hero winked at his partner, causing Yuna to purse her lips as a tinge of jealousy panged in her chest. Suddenly, she was pulled into Chat's chest, his arm slinking around her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Hold on, ma chérie."

Her arms tightened when she felt the rush of air against her back, letting out a squeak as Chat Noir chuckled. The sound vibrated in his chest, the hero holding the girl a little closer, causing her to blush deeply. He landed on her balcony with a soft thud, retracting his staff as the girl still clung to him tightly.

"We're on the ground now, you can let go—"

"No." She interrupted, still shaken from the sudden rush and cold air against her face. Yuna huffed, her rosy cheeks puffing up while Chat smiled at her expression.

"I guess you just wanna hold me like this longer then? Not that I'm complaining—" The hero laughed as she suddenly let go of him, the tip of her ears red as she bit her lip slightly. Chat Noir looked down to the small slash on her leg, frowning at his poor attempt to keep her from harm. "We should get that treated."

"Jihyun!" The two walked into Yuna's room as the girl called for her bodyguard, Chat's arm around her shoulders as his left hand held onto her forearm. Jihyun walked into the room calmly, before widening his eyes at the sight of a strange man holding the raven-haired girl, whose leg was bleeding. Before the teens knew it, Jihyun had grabbed Chat Noir's arm and flipped the hero over his back.

"Ow..." Chat groaned in pain, his head spinning at the bodyguard's move. Yuna gasped, smacking the older man's arm before explaining that the hero had helped her. Jihyun's mouth formed the shape of an 'o', before he turned to Chat Noir and bowed respectfully.

"My apologies."


hihi, sorry this update is a bit late, i was busy with schoolwork T_T expect another chapter within 1-2 weeks <3

- cloudttea

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