Bad news

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"I don't understand, what did they do?" I asked.

"Elizabeth, we didn't tell you because you would be pissed, but you need to know now." Elaine said. I listened.

"We always tell you that they are bad, heart brakers, idiotic, dumbass and things like that. It is true. It was when a friend of ours was dating a boy. Meliodas, Ban and King was destroying their relationship by showing our friend photoshoped pictures of the boy kissing another girl. Our friend was heartbroken and moved away like that." Diane answered.

"If you tell it simple." Elaine added. They was right, I got pissed. I looked at the three boys standing in the corner and chatted. Then Meliodas looked at me and smiled. It felt evil. Then the bell rang.

"We need to go to class." Diane said and dragged us to class. It was the last class. We all glared at the three heart braking boys on the way in when we passed them. Then we walked to our seats in class. The teacher walked in one minute later.

"I am sorry class, but I have a important matter to attend to, so you can go home or whatever you do after school." The teacher said and walked out. Diane and Elaine walked up to me at once.

"Wanna hang out?" Diane asked.

"Sorry, but father said to be home as fast as possible today. I don't know why. Sorry, but maybe later? I eill text you." I said, they nodded and we said our goodbyes.

The first thing that happened when I come home was that father hugged me.

"F-father!" I stuttered in surprise.

"I am so sorry Elizabeth! I really am, but it was the only way. I didn't want you to get hurt, so this was the only way. Can you forgive me?" Father said crying. Then I smelled food and saw how clean it was.

"Father, what's happening?" I asked worried.

"Elizabeth, I am so sorry. You know that company our company reveal with?" Father started. I didn't understand anything so I asked.

"Do you mean the drakes?" I asked. He nodded.

"The owner said that if I didn't give him 100 000 000, they would hurt you." He continued crying. I nodded and waited for him to finish.

"I didn't make all the money in time, so he suggested that if you marry his oldest son, he won't hurt you. So I agreed and now, you are going to marry him!" Father continued crying.

"I understand, it's not your fault father." I said. Then ran upstairs to my room.

"Elizabeth, you need to get ready for them coming! You will meet his son and get to know him a bit." Father yelled.

"Okay!" I yelled back. I took out my phone and started text Diane and Elaine while crying.

"Hey, I can't hang out today." I texted.

"Why not? What's wrong?" Diane texted back.

"I am going to get to know someone. I am going to get married and need 5o get to know him." I texted.

"What?!" Elaine texted.

"What? Who?" Diane texted.

"I don't know. My father was treated and if I don't marry him, they are going to hurt me, so my father decided the marriage." I texted.

"Sorry, I need to go now. Talk more tomorrow." I texted.

"Bye." Diane texted.

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