"When I wake, the month of the Mooning will begin." His body relaxing as his heartbeat starts to calm. "When I wake, tell me again. That you love me."


Soul Witch

The light danced across the halls, the normally silent caverns filled with shouting and words of magic as the demon tried to escape his hold. She watched as Arthit closed his eyes and plunged. It didn't take long, the last breath and then the turning.

The demon screeched, she turned her hand and the scene fainted away. It needed to see no more but now She had to deal with him. The Witch called the bird, touching its feathers as she added her power and sent it on its way.

"You have something that does not belong to you."

A long hair pin appeared as she raised her hand, she stabbed it into his chest. It hit a swirling void which appeared and stuck her hand inside, removing a small wooden box.

"How...that is mine!"

She ignored him, throwing the pin into the air where it vanished. She raised her hand again.

"Time to see the contract and its maker."

The demon screamed, something silver sliding from his sleeve and slipping into his hands. A gust of wind moved everything but her, words of power were spoken and the demon became smoke, disappearing into the silver in his palm.

She smiled as she saw the shard hit the floor, he broke the mirror before he came out and used it to escape. Demons never believed in 7 years bad luck; this one should have. She opened the box and rummaged inside, taking out the glowing vile.

No wonder he could pass before the 100 years, the demon had drained energy from Kongpob's soul. There should have been a second vile, it seems he hid it before he came. The little nuisance was trickier than She thought.


The Gathered.

Dust covered the foyer; vampires carrying fallen paintings and ornaments they managed to save as the onslaught of the magic shook the mansion. Bright moved out of the way as plaster fell from the ceiling, Prem catching the chandelier before it smashed to the ground.

"How pissed is Wayo going to be when he sees this place?"

"We may get banned." Tutah coughed walking in with a vase. "That was...big wave of power."

"Big...doesn't even cover it." The Blood Prince frowns, his powers helping keep the aftershocks at bay. Something odd came to mind, he needed to go speak to Her again.

"The piano and both their wedding portraits are fine." Master Panitchayasawad told the others. "He would have started ashing, if anything happened to them."

"There is a crack across the garden and the water around the pirate ship is gone..."

"What about the trees?" George asks.

"They are fully loaded to the brim with fruit." Bright tells them after checking. "Anyone know how to make peach jam?"

"He is an Earth Mage, that is basic for them."

"Do you think they are okay in the room?" Knots eyes turn towards the upstairs hall, worry for his friend evident in his voice. "Will it have hurt Arthit?"

"Arthit wouldn't have felt a thing." Em replied looking exhausted. "Kong would have absorbed any shocks before they reached his, earth."

The mages dropped to the ground once they felt the magic wave disperse. They had dampening spells around the mansion to stop the flow and Em had to create a separate shield circle for himself and the other mages when the bird begun its song. The song was for mages, they needed their powers.

Em watched Nami, how did that little girl know something so powerful? Then he saw it sparkle, dangling on the leather strap around her wrist. A gear, 206 engraved into the metal. The bird finished its song, returning to its mistress. Before he could land on her hand, Nami fainted, caught by George before she could touch the ground.


Arthit POV

Everything is silent, I can hear the voices from below but even they have begun to dull. Kongpob moves his head, his warm breath ticking my neck, his arms still firmly around me. I knew he was a mage now; never did it occur to me he could be someone this powerful.

There was something else there too, hidden in the dark. For a few moments as we talked, his soul was laid bare for me and I could feel it. He was part demon, as well as a mage. My turning added a third to the mix.

"P'Arthit, I'm more then you know. I can barely hold onto you as I am, how will I hold onto you once you hear my secrets, my earth."

I hold him close, old memories beginning to assail me again, his words taking root in my mind once more. I thought I was mistaken. My Earth, he called me that once before. It was the mages equivalent to, Beloved. If he was the same back then too, how did the demon manage to get him?

A/N: Did you guys hear about this???? I saw it at 3 am in the morning and had to scream into the cushions to not wake the house XD

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