Reviewer: Clair 📗[CLOSED]

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Reviewer: Clair (Maggie-Nary)

About Me:

I'm a psychology student and a person who often gets lost in a mystical world. Just like many others in this platform, I'm an aspiring writer who wants to share my stories with the world.

I love writing Fantasy, and I believe it is my specialty.

You can call me Clair. 🌞

I'm not an expert in general, but my works will be based on my knowledge and opinions in terms of reviews. I'm willing to receive constructive criticism and questions regarding my work, just keep in mind to address them politely or appropriately.

I will always try to make my reviews as objective as possible, but some will be based on my own preferences. Don't take it too hard if you receive a harsh comment review from me, or from any of the other reviewers.

Instead, use it for the improvement of yourself and your stories. Remember, each of us has our own personal preferences, so don't go on attacking us if we said differently from other reviewers about a certain focus point.

Status: CLOSED

Genre Preference/s:

❥ Fantasy
❥ Action/Adventure
❥ Romance
❥ Drama
❥ Teen Fiction
❥ Contemporary
❥ General Fiction
❥ Short Stories

Those that I didn't mentioned will not be accepted since I cannot give it justice if I review something that I'm not well informed about.

Also, I don't accept stories with LGBTQ+, sexual, gory and other very mature content alike. No offense, please. I don't intend to be mean, especially to the LGBTQ+ community. I just don't think I'm well versed enough to review such kinds of contents.

About fanfictions, I will accept if I'm familiar with the fandom, or there isn't much need of understanding to the fandom in order to follow the story. Please, clarify this if you request for me to review a fanfic.

Focus Points:

➳ Plot
➳ Descriptions
➳ Grammar
➳ Dialogues
➳ Characterisation
➳ Pacing

Take note, I'm not much of a grammar nazi since I'm not even a native English speaker. However, I will point out only those grammar mistakes that are too obvious.

Review Count:

I can do one or two reviews a week, depending on my schedule.

Furthermore, please note that I usually read up to 20 chapters per book only, but sometimes I read more for whatever reasons. Of course if your story has less than 20 chapters by the time when I get to it, there's a bigger chance that I will read everything, especially if you want me to give insights regarding a certain point.


☆ I don't ask much, but I will appreciate it if you checked out my short stories and gave your honest opinion about it. I don't require a certain number, but through the comments, I will know if you really did the payment I asked.

Even one comment is enough as long as it is constructive, or at least meaningful.

☆ A follow is optional, but if you like the kind of stories I write, it is very much appreciated. But if not, simply read and comment on one of my stories. Take your pick.


1. Robin's Song by Magic_Dew

2. If We Never Lied by sotamieun_


Please only submit your own work for the following to be reviewed.

Please only submit your own work for the following to be reviewed

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1. Username:
2. Title:
3. Genre:
4. Number of Chapters:
5. Rating, (Suitable for all ages? If not, why is it mature? Violence? Sexual themes? Triggering topics? Please list these!):
6. Status, (Completed? On-going?)
7. Are you after all the story being reviewed or just parts?
8. Any specific areas you want to focus on:
9. Have you completed payment?:
10. Please tag 5+:

 Please tag 5+:

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