Review by El: Love at Dawn📗

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Reviewer: El (footnoteofhappiness) 💛

Requester: Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara 

I would like to formally apologise for the wait on this review. I have since read the story a second time to better understand things that confused me the first time (I do that a lot with historical kind of stories so nothing on the way you write at all, I am just slow I apologise!)

Thank you again for letting me read your brilliant story & having the chance to review it! - El 💛

Summary - 4.5/5

I think that your summary is written well and entices the reader to know more about each character: Edith & Andre and Fiona. I especially like the quotes: 'A revolutionary only finds rest in his grave' and 'Liberty is the right to love and be loved'.

Such beautiful quotes that will stay with me forever. Great job!

I do believe it was a little too long but it still did its job well - i.e telling readers what kind of story this will be and which characters will be focused on, etc.

Grammar/Punctuation – 5/5

I have no corrections in this department. Your story is written beautifully well. It is refreshing to read.

Character Building - 5/5

I believe your characters are built beautifully. I saw how consistent you were while writing Andre and Edith. Their seperate personalities obvious on the page which is always good. I felt like I was stripping the layers back, from both of them, and learning about their individual traits as time went on. I was thoroughly impressed.

Writing Style - 5/5

Your writing style is breathtaking - the right amount of world building and character development needed to write an intriguing story that grips you at every word. I got progressively more excited about the story as it went on.

I adored how descriptive you were at most sections of the story. It felt like you painted the pictures right inside my head. Well done!

Plot Originality: 5/5

I gave this story a five out of five here for the fact it is so different to any other love story I have read so far. I was impressed by the originality and the creativity done here.


There is not much more that I can say other than how much I have come to adore this story. It has taken me some time to get through it all.

I went back a second time to include comments and such but I really felt how much more I liked it the second time around. I gave myself more time to understand things I didn't at first.

This is a story I think I can read more than twice and adore it even more the following time around. Thank you for giving me this chance to read this incredible story.

I hope to see you publish it one day soon so I can own a copy on my bookshelf. :)

I have left a few comments scattered throughout your story for you. Please check those out too.

Focus points:

I have tried my best to leave in depth comments under the two things you asked me to focus on for this story. It is a little tricky when those are some of the best parts of your story. Hope you understand!

Overall Score: 24.5/25

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