Review by Mahi : Still waters 📗

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Requester: Still Waters by

Title: 4.5/5

'Still Waters' is a very good title for a story that's going to give lots of mysteries and cliff- hangers. It does give the teaser of a very eerie aura and makes them expectant of some nice thrilling plot.

Cover: 4/5

Even though the cover is pretty simple, it greatly matches the title. There's a lot of eerie silence in that cover, the dark aesthetics used perfectly suits your title. So your title and book cover together make a good graphic feast!

Blurb: 3.5/5

The blurb is quite short. It gives me hints of some gruesome crime and tints of a dark truth lurking behind. But it is very bare. You might consider defining more of the plot within your blurb, so the reader is full aware about what they are going to read.

Grammar and Punctuation: 3/5

Capitalization is a major error I noticed. I also felt punctuations like full stop lacking here and there. I would advise you to improve your technical aspect and rectify these minor errors before publishing.

Character Building: 3.5/5

There are two characters introduced - Veronika and Hayden.

Veronika is describe to be a mystique person, full of secrets that almost lead her to suicide. I did like the way how her characterization was initiated through her suicide attempt. Sje also seems quite lonely and depressed. We have a good picture of our lead within these chapters.

Hayden seems like a good chap. He is sweet, simple and mostly a gentleman, which makes his character likeable. He sorts out Veronika problem instantly so we can probably conclude he does like her. But his character is comparitively less delineated. I hope to view his picture in the upcoming chapters.

Writing style: 3/5

Your writing style consists of short chapters that end with cliff hangers and clues.

According to me, I feel you have a very good sense of vocabulary; the way you describe the eerie atmosphere and inner feelings of the character is beautiful and descriptive.

The only thing that feels off in your writing is the lack of clarity. It deviates the direction of your plot because I am unable to comprehend whether the plot is following your blurb. The pace and story flow is unbalanced.

I think a very simple way to get rid of this would be prolonging your chapter. You many consider adding more descriptivelines(which you are good at) to enhance the visualization and give clarity to your chapters.

Plot Originality: 4/5

With your blurb in view, the plot seems new and unique. Even the way your story flows until now shows distinctness.

Readers engagement: 4.5/5

Short chapters increase the reader's attention and you have a good grasp in that. With the five chapters we are presented, I do believe there is a good readers engagement. The only way to persist it would be updating as frequent as possible.

Total points: 30/40

Focus points:

- Grammar and Punctuation

-Prolonged chapters

- Clarity in the plot

- Happy writing!

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