Review by Watts: Not My Little Sister 📗

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Reviewer - Watts_Writes
Book - Not My Little Sister by lostlovefairy

Book Title: 3/5

The title feels a bit on the nose. It makes the story clear and speaks to romance, but it could be massaged to feel less direct.

Book Cover: 3/5

The cover has a unique look that draws the eye. It feels markedly different from other romance covers, yet still reads romance. The title is easy to read, but the author's name is slightly muddled by adjusting the author's name so it's easier to read.

Summary: 5/5

The summary is fantastic. It's sharp and to the point yet compelling and very well written. There is one small typo. (The problem? She is her brother's best friend.)

Grammar/Punctuation: 4/5

The grammar and punctuation are well done. There are no major glaring errors, meaning the story is easy to read and flows without spelling mistakes.

Character Building: 3.5/5

Your main characters are very strong. They begin fully formed, though Vinaya is the stronger of the two. As the story progresses, you introduce compelling issues, both internal and external, that help the characters grow and change.

Nithin, being more closed off, is harder to get to know; more insight into his mind would help make him a more swoon-worthy male lead.

Writing Style: 3.5/5

The writing grows more confident and stronger as the story progresses. The tone and voice are both clear. The story flows well, though the pacing is sometimes too fast.

You can also take time to fill in more descriptions of settings and characters. Incorporating vivid language like similes and metaphors can elevate the writing style, creating better detail that helps elevate each character's journey.

There are great moments where your descriptive language creates great imagery, but I wanted more.

Plot Originality: 4/5

Though the story heavily uses well-known tropes (little sister-best friend, billionaire, age gap), the characters' Indian culture adds freshness to these concepts. The weaving of honorifics (chetta) and cultural expectations—particularly those around marriage—adds tension to the story.

There's also a great "fish out of water" concept here with Vinaya leaving her home and going to New York. The change in setting is a great way to ensure readers are not well-equipped with knowledge about India and its customs, are not isolated, and experience these new elements in a familiar setting.

Reader Engagement: 4/5

Your characters are relatable and likable. I found Vinaya instantly engaging as she's passionate, clever and tough. It took me a bit more time to understand Nithin, which affected my feelings toward their instant attraction.

You work hard to create and build sexual tension, and I think, for the most part, it works. There are several side characters, and their impact on the central relationship adds more tension.

There's also some lovely suspense built with the expectation that Vinaya's brother will eventually figure out what's happening.

Final Comments:

Not My Little Sister is a fun romance that uses well-loved tropes to create a unique storytelling experience. Your characters are likable and relatable, and the cultural aspects add interest.

You can delve more deeply into descriptions to help elevate the storytelling. Don't be afraid to consider your characters' inner feelings more, and let the story breathe. Overall, this is a well-written and enjoyable romance.

Total: 30/40

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