Review by Mahi: Immortals📗

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Reviewer: Mahi (sparklet11 )
Requester: Immortals by allisonreads90

Title: 4/5

The title ' Immortals ' is a quite simple one. It clearly gives off hues of a dark romantic fantasy and that perfectly matches your story. Good with the title but would have preferred something more click-bait-ish.

Cover: 4.5/5

Great job with the cover because it is stunning! It may look like a simple woman but the colors and aesthetics match greatly with the title and the concept.

Blurb: 5/5

A blurb is what first entices a reader, when it especially comes to wattpad. So in that aspect, you have provided an adequate amount of information in your blurb. The crisis and back story are precisely delineated and we are also familiarised with the protagonists. Even the blurb length is apt.

Grammar and Punctuation: 5/5

Coming to the technical aspect of writing, you are one different author. Your writing exhibits a courage other writers won't go for easily. You have used plenty of proper punctuations at the exact places and that establishes your standard. I couldn't find any possible error in terms of grammar.

Character Building: 5/5

I will be talking about the leads of this book.

Aethera Michaelson

Astonishing to me is that even your character naming assists your genre well! Aethera's name is so dreamy and character is so perfectly described. Her life in the orphanage, her introvertedness and her supernaturalism — all are flawlessly narrated.

Art Taylor

In love with this name too! His lavish lifestyle and his domineering father clearly highlights his phlegmatic nature. The mentions of his super planned life and the expectations and anticipations burdened upon him makes him restrict his passion and interest and I am glad with the way these vital points were highlighted.

Overall, I would say that your characterization is good.

Writing style: 5/5

A huge round of applause to your writing style because it has achieved it's peak. The usage of comparatively longer paragraphs would undermine the readability and comprehensiveness, however, I did find them interesting to continue reading.

Another pro benefit of your writing is the use of lavishly interesting vocabulary. A fantasy book requires rich use of the English language to make it's genre visible. Your sentence formation also elevates and highlights the supernatural elements.

The flow of the story is quite beautifully structured. The scene of an event gradually transcends into it's successor in such a smooth manner.

Plot Originality: 5/5

Existence of another realm maybe a regular cliché, however, the way it's implemented in your story is what that makes the difference. The series of events incorporated, including the covid-19, are the features that boost your originality. I am in great awe is this aspect of your plot as it explores your thought process. You're talent is simply awesome.

Readers Engagement: 4/5

There is a good reader's engagement. But these kind of books would attract only attract those readers who enjoy a regular flow and pace. But the efforts taken to interest the reader's attention is quite vivid and that boosts your reads.

Total points: 37.5/40


Focus points -

Nothing actually! Continue your splendid work‼

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