Hello Niall!

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phoenix pov

My heart beated faster, I knew what was coming up in the diary and it wasn't good.

(Scenes from the diary)

Ce-Ce had the camera, I was sitting next to Josh who had a full bottle of soda next to him. We were playing a video game, obviously I was winning by the look Josh had on his face Josh gave me an odd look before grabbing the soda and dumping it over my head.

"OH MY GOD JOSH!" I yelled as the soda matted my hair and dripped down my face


The next one was the one I was truly scared for. I looked over at Harry who was looking through my phone and looking up the T.V. every few seconds.


The camera was sitting on a mantle and Ce-Ce was on the floor passed out from what ever we did that night.

I was sitting with a tall muscular dirty blond with hazel eyes. My legs were tossed over his as he played the lazy son on guitar. I was singing with him. When I finished the last note he slide the guitar off his lap and pulled me close and kissed me passionately, he slide me off his lap and turned off the camera.


I felt Harry tense next to me the other boys sat in a dead silence as the T.V. went black, Niall finally said "Im goign to go." the other boys mumbled "Me too." 

Me and Harry were left alone in the room. He stood up and leaned on the table "Who was that?" He asked calmly, but the way his body was tensed showed he was ready to explode. 

"An ex-boyfriend of mine." I said simply, playing with my hands.

"How did it end?" 

I glanced at my phone in his hand "I broke up with him." I swallowed hard


"Why what?" I asked innocently 

"Why did you break up?"  His voice sounded like it was taking him all his power not to yell.

"It wasn't working out so we just called it off." 

"You're lying!" He yelled smacking his hand on the table. "Why can't you just tell me the truth?!" I jumped a little in place. "Why Phoenix?!"

I got mad that he was yelling at me so I jumped up and yelled right back. "Because I don't need to tell you every little thing about my past! If I asked about a girl from your past would you give me all the details?"


 "Who was the blond girl you kissed in the states?"

His eyes widened a bit "I don't know what you're talking about."

"LIER!" I took a deep breath and turned on my heel for the door. "Talk to me when your reasonable." 

"Don't walk away from this!" 

I flipped him the finger, and stormed out the door. I felt the sting behind my eyes.  Swung the door to my room open "I need to go out" I dug threw the front pocket of my suitcase until I found my old fake I.D. I smiled as i held it in my hand. I slipped into a dress and heels and left my room. (A/N Dress on the side!)

I called a cab and told him to take me to any well known club, he winked at me and took me straight  there. When I got there the first thing I did was start ordering drink after drink. Downing each one faster and faster. About an hour later someone came up right behind me and spoke into my ear "hey beautiful wanna dance" 

"I would but I have a boy friend." I slurred turning to him

"He doesnt have to know" He winked at me trying to take my hand.

"Yes he does he needs to know EVERYTHING" I took the last sipof my drink and dropped the glass on the floor. "Sorry."

I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm "If that ever changes love call me." He handed me a folded napkin and I left.

I stumbled the mile home before I got back to the hotel. I shoved my way through the door and almost fell but someone caught me. I looked up and Niall was looking at me with concerned eyes.

Niall POV

I caught Phoenix right before she fell to the ground. "Hello Niall.... I'm drunk!" She clamped onto my shoulder to pull her self up straight.

"I can see that..." She patted my head and almost pulled us both down. "Lets get you to your room darlin'." I got her into the lift and manged to keep her from pressing all the buttons. I decided to have her sleep in my room. I had her sit on my bed as I went to get her water. 

When I walked back in she started talking "We got in a fight over me not wanting to tell him why I broke up with my ex. I got mad and found a fake ID from waaaaaaay back when. Then I went  to the club and drank for an hour..... I drank alot. I can't tell him where I got the scars on my tummy and side now can I?"

I registered what she had said. "Wait. What do you mean?"

"Good night Niall you are amazing!" She crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

I went to sleep on the couch and though about what she said... had her ex abused her? I'd talk to Louis about what to do in the morning.

My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now