Another one.... Seriously?

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Zayn P.O.V.

I was on the ground gasping for air holding where Phoenix had injured. I saw her feet walking away, then stop "Shiiiiit," I heard her whine under her breathe. 'Why is it so hard to breathe?' I thought. Her feet were  in front of me. "Come on get up." She said, but when I just laid there she kneeled next to me and touched my shoulder. It sent sparks down my arm. "I know it hurts and you can't breathe the best but you need to get up, it helps." She helped me sit up. She giggled.

I looked up at her "What are you laughing at?" I asked when I could speak.

"I'm- I'm sorry its just, your eyes were bugging out." She said swiping under her eyes to fix her eyeliner. 

"Well it bloody hurt, I couldn't breathe!" I snapped at her. She jumped slightly and looked down. "I'm sorry." For some reason I didn't like seeing her sad, hell I just met her.

"No, Im sorry." She looked up into my eyes. "I know how much it hurts to get that done. It just that the night hasn't been good" I watched her lips, as she spoke.

"What happened?" I asked my eyes still staring at her lips

"Me and Tony got into a fight," She leaned against a brick wall. "we never fight and I just had to get aw-" I couldn't hold back anymore. I walked up to her and kissed her placing one of my hands on either sides of her head. She placed her hands on the sides of my face. I steped froward and started to move my hands to her waist, when she stopped. "No." she said simply.

"No, what?" I asked back.

She just shook her head and left.

Phoenix P.O.V.

I shook my head and walked away. I pulled the lobby door open and went to the elevator. It dinged and opened, I pressed 5 and started to go up. "Another one.... seriously?" I said running my fingers through my hair. My phone buzzed and I looked at it, a number I didn't know.

Hey cutie! ;p Tony came bye and gave us your room key he said you stormed out on him and left it, dummy! annny waaaay come to room 304 to get it, just down the hall from your room. OH and its Louis! 

I quickly replyed 

Be there in a min :) -Phoenix

What ever you say -Louis

I smiled down at my phone and took a deep breath as the doors opened. I stepped out and walk down the hall until I saw 304. I knocked twice, no answer, I knocked again, no one answered but I could hear Louis laughing inside. I took my fist and pounded on the door. "SHE IS HEEEERE!" Louis yelled like a child.... strange boy "Hello, no need to pound. AW! It looks like the fight was rough on you to!" I nodded slowly "Why do you do that?"

"Do what? Breathe?" I asked confused. Louis slowly nodded his head and pointed to it. "OH! That, just a habbit I guess when I dont know what to say." Louis slowly nodded mocking me, I just rolled my eyes and smiled. "Wait, what do you mean by 'the fight was rough on you to' Louis?"

"Tony looked like he had been crying to... His eyes were really read." He said handing me my room key.

"Good, I'm glad." I said taking the key.

"No you are not!" Louis said wide eyed poking my nose. "But we can talk about that at the mall tomorrow. I am picking you up at noon!"

I nodded slowly, Louis rolled his eyes and shut the door.

On my walk back to my room I thought about the events of the day, mainly the two kisses. I likes Zayn a lot, but I also liked Harry....... a lot. Wonderful. I let my self into my room and flopped on to my bed and pulled out my phone. Time to face the wrath of Ce-Ce.

RI- "What the hell Phoenix!" Ce-Ce's voice scolded "You do not tell me 'Oh my brother works backstage for One Direction! You know just your all time favorite band! Oh and there in my room, love ya bye' " She did this weird voice that I assumed to be me. "SO SPEAK CHILD TELL ME HOW ENGLAND IS WITH FIVE HOT GUYS!"

 I laughed before I started, I told her all the events of the day starting with meeting Harry. I left out the kisses and fight for the end. "So me and Tony got in a fight." I said slowly

"Oh my was it bad?" She asked sympathetically 

"Yea, I brought up dad." I whispered the word 'dad'

"Babes don't worry. I know you to and it'll be done with in the morning, promise"

I smiled she was simple but knew what to say "On a kinda happier more confusing note...." I stopped to annoy her, by the squeal on the other line I knew I had "Harry and Zayn both kissed me."

Ce-Ce gasped "Well who do you like more?"

"Both" I mumbled with a hint of guilt

"Shit, whats your room number?" Ce-Ce asked out of the blue.

"307, but I don't understand how this helps wit-"

Ce-Ce cut me off with "Bye love, see you tomorrow at 4:30" and then the line went dead. 'What is she planing?' I thought to my self.

20 min later

There was a knock at the door. I walked to it and yelled "Is this Tony?"

"No, this is not Tony." I knew the voice right away, it was Harry. I opened the door "May I come in?" he asked innocently

"Do I have a choice?" Once again he shook his curls and flashed adorable dimples.

He sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to him, I sat with my leg pushed against his. He put his hand on my knee and slowly started to go up my leg. I took in a small breathe as his hand went to my waist then to my back. Harry pulled me in for a kiss but I pushed him back. "No," I said and scooted to the opposite side of the couch "I can't do this. Zayn kissed me tonight." I said simply

Harry's eyes widened slightly "What, wait are you serious." I nodded my head and there was a knock at the door.

I shuffled over telling Harry to be quiet. "Is this Tony?" I yelled as i had earlier

"Vas Happening?" I knew the voice, Zayn. I opened the door and signaled for him to come in. He saw Harry and froze.

I pointed to the sofa and he sat down "Okay, listen, Harry kissed me then Zayn kissed me an-" 

They cut me off and started yelling at each other. One thing I could male out from them was "She kissed me back!"

"I KISSED BOTH YOU BACK!" I yelled over them and they both stared and me. "And I just can't go back to being known as the whore, like I was back home." I said starring at my feet.

"Who do you like better?" Harry asked slowly. "because which ever it is the other guy well  back off, right Zayn?" Zayn nodded in agreement

"I don't know." I mumbled

The room was silent for what felt like ever when Zayn spoke up "What if we have a kind of competition... We each spend a day with you and then you choose."

I looked up at Harry who nodded his head. "Okay, but, there is one huge rule." I waved my hands in the air for huge. "Neither of you kiss me." The both nodded. Good. "And it can't be tomorrow, so the two days after." more nodding. "Now get out of my room, I want to go to sleep."

Zayn P.O.V

I was going to win this. I already had the perfect plan.

Harry P.O.V.

Zayn you're going down, I already have a plan

Authors note

Still need girls competition ends march 10th. Info in previous chapters PM me or write on my profile thing :) And as always sorry for spelling!


My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz