Good bye Ce-Ce

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"Hey Daddy." I said into my phone

"You need to come home, your ticket is going to be at the airport." He said simply in the phone.

"What, no Daddy I can't. Everything is going great here, please." I begged, I felt the tears stinging the back of my eyes.

"No tomorrow at 11:30." Dad almost always got his way, he was powerful, and held onto it.  "If your not back by when this flight lands, I'll come and hunt your ass down." So fucking blunt.

"Your joking right?" I asked into the phone, to be honest I knew he would do it. "Dad this isnt fair!" I whinned like a child.

"Jesus fucking christ Celeste!" 

"WELL FUCK YOU TO!" I screamed into the phone, when I hung up I felt an arm wrapping around me, Zayn, I leaned into him forcing the tears to stay back.

"Whats wrong?" Phoenix's large blue eyes starred into mine filled with worry.

"I have to go home tomorrow."


We finaly got to the hotel after a long awkward car ride. 

I closed the door of Phoenix's room. She flung her arms around me. I broke down hugging her back crying into her. 

I felt a shakey breath from her. I was surprised, it took alot to make her cry. "I don't want you to go." 

I hugged her tighter "I dont want to go" 

We sat there crying for god knows how long when we hear "Oh no are you two okay?" Louis came running up to the bed where we were sobbing.

"No." Phoenix mumbled into the pillow she had moved her self to. Louis sqeezed himself between us. He put one arm around me and used the other to rub Phoenix's back who just layed there with her head in the pillow. Leaving her again was going to be hard. The first time was harder, when she was told she was leaving for England, we cryed for days. 

I knew everything about her and she knew everything about me. I was one of the only people who knew she took stress pill, and that her stress levels could shoot up crazy fast. I hated leaving her when I knew that. "We are all going out to dinner. Okay?" Louis said softly. I nodded my head and Phoenix rolled over and smiled "Great be ready by 6. Dress nice." He smiled and strutted out.

Phoenix POV

We walked back into our hotel room in slightly better moods, but not much. Ce-Ce stuffed the rest of her stuff in her suit case, leaving her pj's out. I changed into mine laying onto my bed. "Sing with me?" Ce-Ce said cheerfully. I looked at her with a confused face "Please! We won't be able to sing together in forever!" She begged

"Fine" I knew the music as soon as it started "Anything you can do I can do better"


"I can do any thing better than you."

"No you can't" She took a step towards me

"Yes I can." I put my hands on my hips

"No you can't"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't!" 

"Yes I can, Yes I can!" I shoved her away.

We went around the room, dueling acting as if we were infront of an audience. 

"Yes I CAN!" 

"No you CAN'T!" Ce-Ce countered, after we finished we just looked at each other. Then started cracking up. 

We were holding our stomaches until we heard clapping. I spun around to see five wide eyed boys, jaws to the floor. Ce-Ce stood in shock. "That was great." Liam spoke first  the other boys replied with a echo of 'yea' they all took another step in. "Where did you learn to sing like that?" 

"10 years of musicals and vocal lessons." I said trying to usher them all out, but no this is one direction, it didnt go that smooth.... at all. 

Zayn bolted past me grabbing Ce-Ce and launching her onto his shoulder. "She's with me tonight!" He ran down the hall with a giggling Ce-Ce bouncing with each step he took.

The other boys scooted out, except Harry. Oh and being Louis before he left he said "No sex!" 

Harry waltzed up to me wrapping his arms around my waist "And I'm with you." He smiled and pecked my lips. I pulled away and smiled at him, he smiled back. He tried to kiss me again and I pulled away again. He chuckled and put on hand on the back of my neck, making sure I couldnt move away. He crushed his lips into mine. I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck. Then he pulled away.

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "How does it feel?" He asked. I giggled and slipped away from him. I layed down in the bed and pulled the covers over myself. Harry jumped in next to me. I rested my head on his chest and he stroked my hair.


 I woke up the next morning wrapped in Harry's arms. I smiled, he looked so cute with his curls sorounding his face. I smiled started to wiggle out of his hold. He tighted his arms around me and threw one of his legs over me. "Harry." I whinned into his chest

"Shhhhhh." He mumbled placing his chin on the top of my head. I giggled trying to push away, he didn't budge. I pinched his side, he yelped and let me go. I tryed to run away but he grabbed me yanking me into his lap. "Good morning." 

"Oh good morning Mr.Styles." He laughed in my ear and kissed my cheek.

There was a knock on the door. "It's time" Ce-Ce's soft voice flowed through the door. suddenly a dark cloud floated over the morning...

 Ce-Ce POV

We reached the airport, there was a tight feeling in my chest. Everyone got out of the car. I hugged Louis first, "Bye love, see you soon."

Then Harry "Fly safe, bye"

Liam "Bye Ce-Ce call when you land."

Niall, he hugged me and rubbed my back "Bye,I'll miss you."

Then the hardest to say good bye to, Phoenix. She looked at me, her eyes glossed with tears ready to spill. When I hugged her she clamped onto me. We hugged for a long time. "Love you babe." She whispered.

"Love you too." We finaly let go and Zayn walked me to the gate.

He looked at me and smiled "Promise you'll call?" He asked

"Promise" I stuck out my pinky finger, he chuckled and took it. Using my pinky he pulled me closser and kissed my. Our lips moving in sync for a minnute or two before we seperated. "Bye."

"I love you." Zayn said.

Did he really just say that? My heart gave a bit of a jump "I love you too."

I stepped onto the plane.

I'm coming back America

My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now