Back to the old ways?

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I was rinsing my hair out when I heard the door open and close "PHOENIX!"

oh my god, "OH MY LORDY CE-CE!" I yelled as I pulled a towel around me and hugged her. It's only been a day and a half sense I had seen her but I missed her. 

"Oh my gosh," she whispered "One Direction is out there. Niall open the door, then I walked in and the other boys were sitting there and I try not to fan girl infront of them."

"Well you can fangirl now." I said she started screaming and clapping her hands "I've missed you." I said and hugged her again. I started to change in to my white tank top and fuzzy green pj shorts "So how did you convince your dad to let you come?'

She got this crazed flash in her eyes "Dad doesnt know....... yet." I gave her a 'What the fuck are you talking about' look "He is going to figure it out when he see's his credit card bill." She said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at her, she was always crazy. I walked out and got strange looks from the boys, I told them to leave. I thought they were going nice and easy... but hey there is always Louis, who threw his arms around me "No." he was acting like a five year old again.

"I'll buy you carrots"  Then they all left. 

Ce-Ce got this glint in her eyes and pulled somthing out of her pocket "Close your eyes" She demanded so I did she placed it in my hands and I opened my eyes to a fake ID saying I was 18.

I looked up at her "Why do I need this?" I asked. I had stoped using fake ID's after we got caught and arrested. I bit my lower lip.

"We are going to a club." She threw her signature wink at me "You have had a bad coulple of days." I tryed to open my mouth but being Ce-Ce she cut me off "I see your knuckle! You Punched someone or somthing!" She snapped I tryed to protest again "I well kidnap you."

"Okay, lets get ready!" I smiled, what could one night do?


I ended up wearing the dress Louis had bought me with black heels (one of the few time I wear them was parties and clubs) and a black clutch. Ce-Ce had on a red dress gold shoes and a gold Clutch. (A/N Ce-Ce's dress over there some where -->)

"11:30 TIME TO GO PHEONIX!" Ce-Ce yelled to me. I walked out of my room "Heyyyyyy sexy!" she said when she saw me.

"Back at cha!" I said yanking the door open. 

As we walked to the elevators we heard a wolf whistle. We turned to the boys down the hall, dressed semi cassual. "And where are you ladies going tonight?" Niall said as they walked towards us.

"To a c-" I elbowed Ce-Ce giving her a warning look. "ow." She mumbled.

"Out." Was my simple reply.

"Us to love," Liam said "Would you like to share an lift?"

"Why of course good sir." I said with a posh voice. 

We stood in the lift as they called it waiting when two hands snaked on to my waist. "Tommorw you're with me." Harry whispered into my ear. His breath on my ear sent tingles down my spin as i wiggled away from his grasp as the elevator opened. I walked out when Zayn wrapped his arm around both mine and Ce-Ce's waist. "Ladies I would not bend down if i were you" He winked and opened the door. 

We left the boys and slide into a cab, to the club. Back to the old ways.


My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now