Are You Leaving Me Already?

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Phoenix POV

I woke up to Ce-Ce pushing her cold feet on my back. "Stooooooop." I whinned She moved her feet to the skin showing on my lower back. "nooooooo bed warm." She pulled her feet back giving me a hard shove sending me off the side of the bed. I smacked into the hard cold floor. I pushed my self up slowly "Owwwwwwwww you hooker." I groaned getting up. I was in my fuzzy green PJ shorts and a baggy white t-shirt, probally one of tony's old ones. 

"Good morning baby!" Ce -Ce ran up to me kissing my cheeck, she was already dressed.She had on black skinny jeans and a whit v-neck shirt with a red blazer and red converse. Her hair was tied in a high pony tail. "Get dressed in somthing that you can punch in!" I gave her a confused look and waled over to my suit case. I pulled out a  pair of dark blue running shorts and a white wife beater.

I looked down at the bright pink running shoes. "Do you have running shoes?" I yelled towards the bathroom. 

"Black ones" 

"Trade me for my pink ones?" she stuck her hand into the room giving me a hands up. I smiled and chuck the pink ones in her bag and pulling my new pair out. 

I changed and pulled my hair into a tight braid. I let out a loud sigh when there was a knock at the door. I pulled it open to Tony. He looked at my outfit "Ce-Ce."

"Makes sense." He walked in and sat on the couch. Ce-Ce strutted in and glarred "Morning hell child. Wow you really dressed in your homes color, red."

"Shut up poo head!" Ce-Ce yelled unable to come up with a better comeback as she stomped back to the bathroom. I heard the door again I ran to get it. It was Harry, before I could say any thing he leaned down and kissed me.

Guess who had a nice view of that. Yep Tony, who cleared his throat. Harry snapped up and spotted Tony. "Ummmmm hi Tony." He flashed dimples, how cute!

"Um Buck-a-roo! I have news for you!" tony cocked his head to the side "I'm dating Harry Styles" I laughed and clapped my hands together once, kicking my left leg slightly in the air.

"AND I'VE BEEN DATING ZAYN MALIK FOR A WEEK." Ce-Ce screamed pulling me out of the presser zone.

"I'm not getting in to it." Tony said simply getting up and walking to the door. He pulled on my pony tail "Bye keep. Bye Hell child!" He yelled to Ce-Ce who responded with 'Bye bobble head!' Tony turned to Harry, my first thought was my god he is going to deck him. Instead he said "See you at rehersals Harry."

Awwww he is nice enough not to kill him infront of me! "We are leaving." Ce-Ce said snatching her purse "Bye Harry."

He looked at me and I gave a shrug before Ce-Ce dragged my down the hall.

"Where are you going lovely?" Louis asked giving me a hug

"No where." Ce-Ce replied and dragged me to a taxi.


We arived at a run down place, we walked through the door and it smelt like blood and sweat. It smelt like a boxing gym. I looked around and saw a boxing ring. I looked over at Ce-Ce who was beaming over at me. I jumped on her hugging her tight "Thank you." She hugged me back. 

I pulled away and she handed me my old worn boxing gloves. This girl is the best. She went to sit down when a musculer black man came up to me. "Hey are you Phoenix?" He asked in a deep voice.

I nodded "I'm Dean, I'll be trainign with you for the day." I smiled and shook his hand "Lets get you taped up."

I tapped my hands and slid them into the familier gloves.


I waved to Dean, who I had just trained woth for two hours, he was great. I was going to sign up for daily training when I got back from the tour.

I slung my gloves over my shoulder and ran right into somebodys chest. "I'm sorry." 

"I don't mind" A familiar Cheshire accent filled my ears. I looked up at Harry smiling at me "Hey babe." He said slidding his hands to the small of my back and leaning in to kiss me

I pushed on his chest "Harry don't kiss me, I look like a hobo and I smell like B.O."

He chuckled, snaking one arm around me using the other to lift my chin up. He crashed his lips into  mine, and I couldnt help it I got lost in the kiss. He wrapped his other arm around me, I layed my hands on his shoulders "OH MY GOD" Cheers Louis. He yanked Harry away from me and grabbing my still taped hands. "Are you okay? Did you hurt your self?" 

"She was boxing, you tape your hand when youre boxing Lou. She's fine." Liam cut in. I tapped my nose and pointed at him.

"Oh okay!" Louis happily skipped away to the car.

"Thanks for explaining that." I looked at Liam and he winked down at me. I laughed until I heard

"You are joking right? Dad this isnt fair!" Ce-Ce. My head snapped to her direction. She had the phone pressed to her ear "WELL FUCK YOU TOO!"  She hit end. I knew it had been her dad.

Zayn wrapped a arm around her waist. She leaned slightly into him and took a deep breath. "Whats wrong?" I was worried, she looked close to tears.

"I have to go home tomorrow." 

My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat