both a fight and a walk to remember

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I stared up at Tony, but before i could get anything out Louis stood up and broke the silence "Look, Tony," Tony crossed his arms tightly over his chest and cocked his head to one side. "Nothing happened, I swear on the sake of the band that we were just talking."

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. Back home I was known as a party animal, and Tony had caught me making out with a couple guys before. "Louis, you can head out I want to speak to my brother alone." I steped in returning Tonys glare. Louis gave an akward wave and left. "Nothing happened Tony." 

"How do you exspect me to belive that with what i just saw? Oh, and your history with things like that." He said pointing to the couch trying to keep his voice level.

"Do you really think I would go and make out with some guy I met maybe an hour ago?" I forced my self to not start to yell. I choose to ingnore the incdent with Harry.

"Never seemed to stop you before!" Tony yelled this at me.

I was taken back for a moment, Tony never raised his voice to me unless he was joking. My heart speed up with surprise and tears started stinging the back of my eyes. 'Don't you dare cry' I thought to myself. "Yea okay bring that up! I get it I was a fuck up! But I've changed Tony! Do you see how much a person can change in a year?!" I snapped at him. Tony pointed his finger at me and started to talk again, but i scearmed over him. "STOP IT, STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE DAD. YOU'RE NOT DAD TONY!" We both froze. No one ever mentioned Dad, he had left two years ago, he was a good dad until then.

I started walking to the door, Tony grabbed my arm "Phoenix, thats not what im trying to do, I just want to prote-" I shoved his hand from my arm 

"Don't touch me." I mumbled, snatched my phone and ran out the door. Ce-Ce, I need to call her, but i have to get away first. I'm a pretty fast runner I was bolting down the halls feeling the tears stream down my face. 'I need to run faster' I thought and speed up. I turned a corner and ran into someone. The impact caused me to bounce back and land a few feet from them.

Zayn P.O.V.

I was stolling down the hall when out of no where someone ran into me. I was pushed back and the other person had flew back a few feet and was sitting on her bum. She looked up and it was the girl I had met earlier Phoenix, man was she a looker. Her eyes were this amazing shade of blue that just blew me away. While looking at her I relized she was crying. She swiped her arm across her face. "Phoenix, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I put my hand out for, she took it and pulled her self up, slowly she nodded. "What's wrong?" I asked trying to get her to look and me, her eyes stayed down. 

"Nothing." she mumbled out of breath her chest was rising and falling quickly. She started to walk when I grabbed her arm.

"Phoenix, you can tell me," She stopped for a second, I loosened my grip slightly. "I can tell you have been crying."

She yanked her arm away from me and darted down the hall. I noticed she had a really cute dress on, but instead of heels she had old converse on. It gave her edge. "PHOENIX!" I yelled after her and started runnign after her, she was gone, man she was fast. I forced my legs to go faster I took a sharp turn around a cornor and there she was waiting for an elevator. I let a sigh of relief out "Thank God you're here Pheoenix." Her head snapped up when I said her name. Her eyes got real wide "Can you just tal-" And she was off. She bolted to the stairs "Crap." I whispered and started to run after her, again. 

I threw the door for the stairs, I was just a few stairs behind her, she glanced back and ran faster. 'I'm going to catch you, God dammit.' She burst threw the door to the lobby, with me right behind her. She shoved the large lobby door open causing her to slip the slightest bit. When we hit the sidewalk I caught her around the waist "Phoenix, please just breathe." 

"Let me go." she whimmpered.

"No," I whispered into her ear, she started to pry at my fingers. So I closed them together over her stomache. She pryed harder. "I'm not letting you go." I said slowly.

"ZAYN LET ME GO!" She yelled prying at my fingers and pushing her stomache out, trying to push my hands away from the front of her. I tightened my hold, she tried to turn around to face me. Her face was so close to mine, her face was wet with tears, and it took so much for me not to kiss her. Before I knew it she took her hand and stuck her fingers under and up it to my rib cage. I let her go, gaped in and doubled over in pain.

My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now