Is everything okay?

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Phoenix POV

Harry started to pull me down the street, I firmly planted my feet. Harry turned around "Phoenix!" He stomped his feet like a child.

I shook my head. "No Harry we have to pack, we are leaving for Paris tomorrow."

"We could do this the hard way." He said walking up to me.

"HA! What are you going to do? Seduce me."  

He shook his curls and swiftly tossed me over his shoulder. "Harry! Put me down!"

"No thanks I like the view." He chuckled as he smacked my ass.

"You will awake with no hair." He promptly put me back down "Thank you." 


We started running down the street, we were about four blocks from the hotel. I glanced back, the mob was getting closer. "Run faster!" I sped up. One block, we bolted into the lobby. 

The mob followed us, great. We started to the stairs. 

"HEY ALL OF YOU OUT!" Tony's voice rang through the large lobby. The gaggle of girls stared at Tony "You think I'm kidding? I'll call the rest of securty. Then you are screwed." He crossed his arms and his blue eyes took a dark turn. 'Three two on-" The girls all left with fear flooded faces. 

Tony had a pair of black slacks and a white button down shirt. "Thanks, but...."

"But what Keep?"

"Your making me laugh out when you strike a pose all your preppy clothes!"

Tony rolled his eyes "Can't live in the past keep!"

"You can if the person was better in the past!" I yelled over my shoulder

"Smart ass!"

When me and Harry reached our floor I tried to go into my room but he pulled me down the hall into his room.

He pushed open the door with his hip. When I saw the room my jaw droped. It was huge, at least twice the size of mine. Even had a seprete room for the bed. 

"It's like a mini house!" I yelled running back to Harry in the kitchen

He looked up through his curls and smiled. I turned to the giant flat screen T.V. Amazing...

"You are so easily amused" Harry's deep voice stated.

I turned around to see him leaning back on the counter hands eased into his pocket. "Is that a bad thing?" I questioned cocking my head to the right side.

"No it'scute."

Zayn POV

I was freaking out. Was that her dad? What did she mean 'off'?

Why does she have to live in America? If she lived in England I would go right over to her house and make sure she was fine.

I could go to America... but that would mead leaving the boys one day before the first concert of the tour. I tryed calling her four times. Maybe I should try again, yes I should

*Ring Ring Ring* "Come on pick up!" *Ring Ring Ring* I clenched my fist and opened it.

"Hey this is the voice mailbox of a pumpkin." Her voice mail

My heart dropped. I needed to talk to someone.

My mom shiped me to England (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now