Daddy Mode On

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Pheonix P.O.V

I flopped onto my bed and drummed on my stomache. I rolled over to see four giant suit cases and screamed. My stuff had arived. I was looking for my teddybear, he was the size of my torso and white, Biggy. He went with me every where. I couldnt find him, did mom forget him?

I heard a knock at the door "Pheonix, it's Tony please let me in." I rolled my eyes and kept searching "I have Biggy." My eyes widened and I flung the door open. He held out Biggy, I snatched him and held him to my chest. "We need to talk now Keep." I set Biggy down, I was worried that mom might have thrown him out. "I knew talking Biggy was the only way to have you let me in," Wait he took him out, which ment he went through my stuff. My fist slowly clenched.

"You went through my stuff?" I said slowly

"Yes but I ju-" He didnt get to finnish because he was inturupted by my fist smashing into his jaw. He knew better that to look through my stuff, it really annoyed me when people did, it felt like someone was just letting them self into my privite life. I pulled my arm back to hit him again but someone came behind me and pulled me away.

"Tony, let her cool down." The voice said, Liam? I looked up at Tony he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, I fought to free my self from the arms binding me but they wouldnt let up. I looked back at Tony and relised he had a busted lip. My jaw dropped, did I do that? Tony turned on his heel and left. "Are you calm now?" The voice whispered, I nodded slowly and the hands let me free. I spun to see who was behind me, I was right Liam. He put his hands up to his shoulders "Hey I'm not looking for trouble. You pack quiet a punch for a-" He stopped his sentence and looked down

"For a girl." I finnished for him he just smiled and nodded "Yea I get that a lot." 

I put my hands on my hips and his eyes widened "Pheonix your hand!" Liam gasped, I looked down and it was covered in blood. Liam ran over and picked me up and set me an the side of the tub. He cleaned off the blood to reveal a clean gash on my knuckle. I sat there in shock as Liam cleaned it off and bandaged it. "That should be good, doesnt look bad. Have you ever done that before?" I shook my head back and forth. Liam stood up and looked down at me with his arms crossed like a father. "Now you need to be careful, and violence is not the answer Pheonix."

I got up and laughed "Alright daddy direction." I said as i patted his chest and walked by him.

"Wait, you kknow the jokes! You are a fan girl arent you!" Liam exclaimed pointing at me 

"No, but my best friend is a HUGE fan girl, so I do know most of the jokes, and songs, all I need is the underwear and I'm set." I said with a thumbs up. Liam threw his head back and laughed.

Liam P.O.V.

I Laughed at the joke she made. She was really sweet and got along great with all of us, I was glad Tony was bringing her along. She pulled out her phone and started typing. "What you doing?" I asked

"Telling Tony that we are going to brunch tommow," She sat down slowly on the bed "We need to work things out, it's like Ive had the twin that has been attched to me yanked off with a butchers knife." I widend my eyes at the creepy way she put that. She laughed "Sorry, I didnt know how to discribe it. I smiled at her and there was a loud bang. She skipped to the door and opened it to the rest of the boys who threw there arms around her and let them selfs into her room. 

"OH MY GODNESS!" Louis screamed when hee looked at her pants, which had plenty of blood on them. 

She smiled and held up her bandaged hand, Louis just raised one eyebrow "I punched Tony... Apparently pretty hard." She said with a shrug, "Niall theres food in the cabanet," She said pointing she opened her suit case "Movies here." She pulled some movies out and kept digging eventually pulling out a pile of clothing. "I am going to shower." She said simply walking away to the bathroom.

Niall had taken over the kitchen, while Harry put in a movie I sat on the couch next to Zayn. "SUPERMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Louis screamed while jumping on Pheonix's bed.

I turned around "Louis! Get down now!" I yelled Louis pouted and ran up to Harry and burried his face to Harry's neck mumbling something.

"Hey you stop being mean to my boobear!" Harry said to me

"He was jumping on the bed." I countered back.

"Doesnt mean you have to yell!" Louis turned to me with a perfected put on his face, I held out my arms for a hug, Louis ran over to me jumping on my lap and landing right on my balls. I closed my eyes in pain and leaned slightly forward. "Thats what I'm talking 'bout" Louis said proudly rolling off me to the floor as the movie started.

There was a soft knock on the door and Niall opened it with crisps in hand "Oh my god you are Niall      from One Direction!" It was a girl, Niall's eyes widend slightly waiting for the scream, but she let out a small sqeak and contiued on "Is this Pheonix's room?" Niall nodded mouth full of food, she pushed past him and dragged a suitcase in. "Hi One Direction!" She smiled warmly. She had waist length brown wavey hair with green eyes and slightly tan with a great body. "I'm Ce-Ce, where the hell is Pheonix?"

So she was the fan girl that had taught Pheonix everything, but she didnt act like one. "She's in the shower but if you woul-" I started but she cut me off

"Thanks." She turned and struted towards the bathroom. Walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. "PHEONIX!"

"OH MY LORDY CE-CE!" After that we heard a bunch of yells and clapping. About five minnutes later they both came out of the bathroom with Pheonix fully dressed. "Boys you need to head out. Sorry but we need to talk." Pheonix pointed to Ce-Ce. 

We all started to shuffle out, but knowing Louis it wasnt that easy. "No." he said and latched onto her. She paitently patted his back "I'll buy you carrots." She spoke as if he was four.

"Okay!" he hopped his way to the door like a rabbit "Text me lovley." He winked as she rolled her eyes and shut the door.


Sorry I had pressed save not save and publish.... arent I the smart cookie?! Any way thanks for reading! Sorry for spelling! <3


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