Meet Jake

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Harry's POV

"So thats what happened." Phoenix finnished explaining what had happened with Zayn, and how he know liked Ce-Ce. we were sitting on the floor our backs against the bed.

"And you're not mad?" I asked for the thirsd time. I don't know why I kept asking her, I had got her why did I need to know anything else?

"NO!" She yelled playfully pushing my arm. "Ce-Ce is gorgous, and has a great personality. Guys fall foer her where ever she goes. It has happened to me before, I'm just not effected any more." She smiled up at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. She just shook her head and fiddled with her braid. "Okay. So Tony said he had a two younger siblings, but I only see one." I looked down at her and she got this look of excitment in her eyes.

"Yea Jake! You wanna see a picture?" She asked happily. I nodded my head with a smile. She looked in her purse and pulled out a old beat up wallet. One that a guy would carry, I let out a laugh. "Don't judge me! I know I have a guy wallet, I get enough shit from Ce-Ce don't need it from you." She poked my cheeck and pulled a picture of her, and a little boy on her lap. She had her arms wrapped around his waist. The boy looked like a younger version of Tony.

"He looks like Tony, but little." I said studing the picture.

She giggled, "He looks exacly like Tony when he was younger, It's kinda creepy really. They both look like mom, I look like dad." She said in a sorrowful tone. I drapped one arm over her "I'm going to video chat with Jake in ten minnutes, would you like to kina meet him?" 

"I would love to." She got up, to run and get her computer "wait! does this whole thing mean you're my girlfriend?" I asked slowly standing up. She walked over and kissed me on the lips, but pulling back before I could move my arms. "I'll take that as a yes." she giggled and jogged down the hall.

Phoenix POV

I walked in to my room, everyone was asleep, it was only 7. Weird.

I grabbed my laptop and ran back to Harry's room. He was sitting on the bed leaning on the wall. I crawl next to him. "Hm, fancy meeting you here" He said with fake surprise. 

I rolled my eyes opening my computer, typing in my password. Harry just watched me as I did it. I was praying he didnt figure out my password, mainly because it was AreYouPregoYetCeCe. weird I know, but it was Ce-Ce who made it up.

The video chat popped up with Jake's little face starring at me. He relized I was there and a smile spread across his face. "PHOENIX!" He yelled at the camera

"Hey baby boy, how you doing?" I asked, I felt like I was going to cry. I had to leave him in California, with mom. He was only four.

"Good, Josh took me out today, he says hi." Josh was mine and Ce-Ce's other best friend, he was in his fourth year of high school. Jake knitted his eye brows together like he was trying to remeber somthing. "I LOST A TOOTH!" He screamed hitting the desk he was at.

Harry jumped at the sudden yelling. "No way! I don't believe you!" I said pointing at the camera. 

"I-I did. SEE!" He smiled again showing me a gap in the front of his mouth, then holding up a small tooth top the camera.

"Very cool!" I said as he got up to do his victory dance. "Hey dork, you going to leave it for the tooth fairy?"

He crawled back on the chair. I had been smiling this entire time. "Duh." He rolled his eyes, a trick he learned from me "Anyway today at boxing I hit this guy right in the fa-" Jake stopped and noticed Harry sitting next to me. "W-who's that?" He pointed with a confused experesipn plastered on his face.

"This is my friend Harry." I said leaning the computer over so Harry was more in the shot, Harry waved and smiled.

"Is he your bofriend?" Jake demanded

I started to say no but Harry inturupted "Yes, I am." Jake crossed his arms "And I peomise to protect her until she is back in your care, sir."

Jake smiled and laughed "I like you, Word of............ smartness," Jake said not being able to remember the word advice "Don't tell Tony, I'll keep it a secret." He smiled and nodded his head

Mom walked up the the computer "Get off now please." She said to Jake

"Bye-bye sissy!" Jake said blowing me a kiss.

"Bye baby boy." I said blowing one back "Bye mom."

She just grunted and closed the window, not a very loving women after dad left.

"He's cute, and speaks pretty proper for such a young age."

"Yea, Tony and I were both like that to." I smiled, I missed that little boy.

There was a banging on the door "HOOKER! TRUTH OR DARE GAME! GET YOUR ASS TO THE ROOM NOW! Love you!" Ce-Ce's yelled.

Truth or dare, game on.

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