Special: Group Random Pt 4

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A/n So, theses will be very short and to the point, Im sorry.It hurts me to write theses. Anyways to the chapter! I'll come back at later dates to make theses longer..Also there will be one more of these.. This was supposed to be up by Monday but I got lazy...sorry.

Group 1

Mezo Shoji
You found him kissing another lady. You threw your heavy ass text book at them making sure to hit one of them in the head. You flipped them off, broke up with him and left. You didn't need emotions or love they just lead to disappointment.

Hitoshi Shinso
You found him and Midoriya kissing. It hurt, but you won't let this ruin you. You drew (Favorite Character) and he picked you up and you two left after you broke up with Shinso.

Shoto Todoroki
You found him and Momo kissing. He saw you from the corner of his eye. He stopped kissing her and told you "Its not what it looks like." Why would you believe that basic excuse everyone uses. You left, tears present and threatening to spill but breaking up with him.

You find him and a girl. He in a deep makeout with her. You didn't have the energy or time to deal with this and be upset. You threw a scalpel at the bitch, flipped off Dabi, and left. You had to be at the hospital in two hours.

Tensei Iida
He would never cheat, why would he need to. He has the beautifulest, smartest, and greatest girlfriend ever. He loves you with all his heart, and he never wants to lose you.

Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King
He wouldn't cheat. Plain and simple, hes a good man and loves you dearly.

Group 2

Kai Chisaki/Overhaul
He wouldn't cheat. He loves you and he doesn't want to be with a diseased person.

Neito Monoma
You found him underneath Shinso. You threw your shoes at them, flipped him off, and left. You wouldn't let this break you.

Group 3

Toshinori Yagi/All Might
You found him and Inko Midoriya in bed naked together. It hurt you mentally, physically, and emotionally but you stared him down and flipped them off. Telling him you are done with his sorry excuse of a boyfriend and hero. It was a facade, you where dying on the inside, tears threatening to escape. You didn't tell your brother because they have been friends for a long time and you didn't want to ruin thier friendship but he would most likely find out in time.

Shinya Kamihara/Edgeshot
He wouldn't cheat because you have been fragile since your kidnapping and you have a hard time trusting people. He doesn't want to shatter you, plus he loves you more than life itself.

Hari Kurono/Chronostasis
He wouldn't cheat for three reasons. He loves you very much, Overhaul would kill him, and you would kill him.

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