New Character Catchup: Part 1

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Somethings are missing but they will be in a part 2 because I'm to tried to continue writing at the moment. Hope you Enjoy this.

Group 2

Yuga Aoyama

Your Quirk
You are in the support class, and your quirk is Fabric. You can create different fabrics from you skin but you need to keep eating to make more.

Drawbacks- Sore and You Gain a little weight.

Your Family Information
You live with a foster family. They tolerate you are your fashion designs and they support you.

1st Meeting
You were shopping for a new hoodie dress when you came a cross a long sleeved (F/c) shirt. You wanted to buy it but when you saw the price you wanted to cry. 'Why do they have to be so expensive' You cried internally. You sigh softly and walk away. Everything in the store you went to costed more than everthing you owned, you thought this was a decent price store. As you walk out a boy with beautiful blond hair walked up to you.

"Mademoiselle, I noticed who your eyes sparkled when you saw this. I thought it would complement your beauty. So I bought it for you." He hands you the bag. You saw it had the beautiful shirt you wanted.

"Thank you so much!" You smiled at him.

"Oh how rude of me! My name Aoyama Yoga." When he said that sentence he sparkled. Did he take a bath in glitter?

"I'm Y/n."

"Aw my dear I must be going but here is my number if you ever need help with fashion. Au revoir!" With that the sparkling boy left. You look at the paper he gave you and you put his number into his phone. You walk home with the beautiful shirt.

His Thoughts On You
She is beautiful, I would love to eat cheese with her and spend more time with her.

Your Thoughts On Him
He is a very sparkly, fashionable, and amazing male. 'Is he French?'

Your "Couple Song"

Impossible by Shonetelle
You both like shouting the lyrics at the top of your lungs.

Big Spoon or Little Spoon
He is a little Spoon.

Group 3

Hari Kurono/Chronostasis

Your Quirk
You can change the shape of non-living objects. You don't have draw backs.

Your Family Information
Your Kai's little sister you aren't like him tho. You aren't germophobic like him. He hasn't told you about the work hes been doing he tries to keep you innocent you don't know anyone he works with. You aren't really aloud to leave you room, your kinda of a prisoner but you don't know that. You think it's normal. Also you 23 years old. (Sorry if it isn't the age you want.)

1st Meeting
You sat on your bed reading you favorite book, (B/T), you have read this book over five times. You were bored, you never get to leave your room, you never had a reason to. Your room has everything a small kitchen, a room, and bathroom that connects to your bedroom. You put your book down and walked towards the door, you tried to open it....the door didn't budge. You groan and go to the widow, you open it and looked down, it wasn't a very far drop so you went for it. You started climbing down, when your feet hit the ground, you smiled brightly. You don't remember the last time you touched grass.

"Who are you?" A voice call from behind you. You let out a terrified scream. You weren't excepting someone to be out here. You turn around and see a person in a white coat and a plague doctor mask.

"I'll ask again. Who are you." They say again.

"I'm Y/n Chisaki, who are you?" You ask soflty.

"Chisaki you say...well I'm Kurono Huri. Let's go." He grabs your arm and roughly drags you.

"H-hey let go!" You yelled. He kept silent. You didn't protest anymore, he took you inside and to a large room/office and there in the middle was your brother working.

"Overhaul." Kurono spoke. Your brother looked up eye widening whe. he sees you.

"Y/n what are you doing out of your room? Never mind I'll have to deal with this later. Kurono could you take her back to the west room?" He ask and Kurono just nods following his orders. He drops you of at your room and leaves you.

Your "Couple Song"

Love Me Like You by Little Mix

Big Spoon or Little Spoon
Hes a big Spoon

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