Character Catchup Part 2

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Yuga Aoyama

What He Does When Jealous
He pulls you aside and starts saying how bad his style is and pulls you into a sparkly hug.

Your Hero Costume/ How He Reacts
You usually just wear what you want. Unless Power Loader tells you to wear the uniform.

Contact Names
Him- Nonstopsparkle

You- Chère

Are They A Hugger
Yes, he loves to embrace you but it usually leads to you being cover in glitter.

His Favourite Musical

Robin and The 7 Hoods

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Robin and The 7 Hoods

Where He Kisses You
Your hand because it's a sign of respect and it is proper etiquette.

Who He Is Jealous Of
He isn't jealous of anyone because none the bitches are as fashionable and sparkly as him.

Who You are Jealous Of
You aren't jealous of anyone. You just don't get jealous, you get depressed.

Group 3

Hari Kurono/Chronostasis

His Thoughts On You
I didn't know Kai had a sister. Why has he kept her locked in that room?

Your Thoughts On Him
You think he is a mysterious person. What does he look like underneath the mask and cloak?

What He Does When Jealous
He doesn't gets jealous because you dont leave your room and you don't know very many people.

Your Hero Costume/ How He Reacts
You don't have a hero costume or an outfit that you were occasionally. You just change into whatever you feel like that day.

Contact Names
Him- Magic Hair💙

You- Beauty

Are They A Hugger
Not really, because your relationship with his is a secret and he doesn't want Kai knowing.

His Favourite Musical
He doesn't have one he always busy doing what Kai wants.

Where He Kisses You
Your lips because he likes the feeling of them and he doesn't always have the chance to kiss you so he makes them last.

Who He Is Jealous Of
He is jealous of your bed, because you spend must of your time with/on it.

Who You are Jealous Of
Your jealous of all the people who get to leave the home/base but other than that you don't get jealous.

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