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''No! Hyeyeon, you can't make me go to that party! I'm not even old enough to go in. You're 22 and I'm 19. That club only allows 21 and older,'' My sister was practically dragging me across her apartment floor, finding any reason to make me attend that stupid party of hers she got invited to.

It's been a year ever since I came to the States. It's just been a normal life without worrying about cameras. I still often check the Korean feed and turns out, I was forgotten easily..and I hope Heejin did too.

Hyeyeon has always tried her best to help me get over Heejin. She sets up blind dates, introduces me to her friends, inviting me to parties. It just doesn't work. It's not effective. My mother taught me to be loyal to that one thing I love and now that I've found that one thing, it's hard to let go.

''Come on Y/N. Please? For your big sis? Fine, this is the last time I'll ask you to do something like this. Just go this last time then I'll never bother you again, promise.''

I was still skeptical about my sister's so called promise. Maybe she's serious.

''Fine, this last one. If you ask me one more time, I'm preventing you from going to parties again. Got it?''

Hyeyeon nodded slyly, throwing me into my room to change my clothes so I later came out with a casual, navy Burberry sweater and khaki pants with white sneakers. My sister cooed and hurried to her car then arrived at the club later.

''Hyeyeon, again, I'm 19. How are they going to let me in?'' I only agreed knowing that I won't be able to get in this time. There's no way she'll be able to fake my age since she looks more mature than me.

''Trust me bro, I got this,'' Hyeyeon winked before focusing on the road again.

Not too long later, we arrived at the destination. Currently, it is nearly 11 pm. Parties go late until 2 am which scares me. Hyeyeon isn't a good drinker like me. I usually have to drag her drunken self to the car and drive her home every night after her friends call me in.

''Hyeyeon! You're here! Hi baby, oh wait, isn't this your brother?'' Hyeyeon's boyfriend, Jay, who is also part Korean, ruffled my hair into a mess and greeted me. ''Hey lil kiddo! I haven't seen you in a while. I forgot that you're this tall..''

''Ah, yes. Hi Jay, I finally agreed to come with her because she won't leave me alone. Don't let her drink.''

The couple went off inside, leaving me still outside with a guard who's asking for my age. ''Sir, your age please and name.''

''I-I'm 21..''

''Really? You don't look 21. What's your name, sir?''


''Y/N?? Oh, you are Hyeyeon's brother. Go ahead Mr. Y/N. Have fun!'' The guard pushed a smile as I walked in unsteadily, already seeing my big sister partying as if it's her last. I figured that I couldn't do the same after the first incident..

I sat on the bar and ordered drinks. I just watched my sister party until a girl bravely brushed her thigh with mine and sat next to me. ''Hey handsome. I'm Ally, how about you?''

The girl had dark hair, light, fair skin, and beautiful hazel eyes. She's pretty..

''Hi Ally, I'm Y/N.''

''What are you doing just sitting there watching your sister? Let's dance!'' Ally's lips curved upright to a smile. She's bold for doing this. Or is it because she's drunk?

''No, I can't.''

Next thing I know, I was pulled to the dance floor by a random stranger who I know nothing about. ''Come on Y/N! Dance!''

I followed Ally's movements but she was getting a little too touchy, feeling me up, encircling her arms around my neck. I couldn't do anything...I don't know what to do. Oh my gosh, this is so wrong. Help..

''You should meet me tomorrow at Starbucks nearby tomorrow at 2 pm. See you then,'' Ally's voice sent shivers up and down my spine as her breath hit my ear. ''Baby.''

Not forgetting a wink, she left without another word. What the actual hell?!


''Hyeyeon! Can you drive me to Starbucks?'' I rushed to fix my hair and clothes since the girl from last night somehow got my number and texted me. If I rejected, Hyeyeon would probably force me to meet up anyways.

''Sure! Ally's a great person, trust me. I'm sure she'll fit your type. Wear cologne by the way, she likes it,'' My sister twirled her car keys and led me out to her car and drive me to the location, elucidating tips and further information about the girl.

This is going to be stressful.

''Here it is and look! She's there already. Moron, you're late,'' Hyeyeon flipped her hair which drastically hit my face. I swear I'm going cut that long hair of hers one day in her sleep. ''Go in! Don't forget to tell me how it goes! Text me when you're done and I'll be here to pick you up, okay? Have fun lil' bro!''

I sighed, I can't do this.

''Y/N! Over here!'' Ally waved her hand in the air as a signal for me to go there. I don't want to do this. My goodness..

''Hi Al, I'm just going to order real quick. I'll be—''

''Don't worry, I already ordered for you. I hope you like ice latte,'' The dark-haired girl smiled shyly while tucking her hair behind her ear. I swear she was just bold yesterday night. Maybe it was the alcohol?

''Oh, thank you.''

The first few minutes were awkward. She tried to get as much info from me as possible which I felt uncomfortable doing. It's not my thing to freely speak up about myself. ''So Y/N, what do you do?''

''Uhm,'' I paused before continuing, ''Back in Korea, I was a model. I'm going back to doing that when I go home.''

''Do you miss Korea?''

''Well—I mean yeah, it's my home. I only miss one thing about it though. My father is a CEO of a company and I ruined his name like he said after dating one of the idols under his agency. He forced me to break up with her and now I'm here, alone. I miss her a lot.''

I really did not expect to say such things to a stranger. She's still typically unknown in my case.

''So, I'm guessing you aren't over her? You're still upset with the break up, right?'' Ally took my hand and locked eyes with me. ''I can help you with that. Do you want to be my boyfriend?''


If you haven't seen my announcement, susancheeta and I did a collab account. We will be publishing a book together soon at heejinatedcheeta . Make sure to follow it and stay tuned for future updates! Also, sorry for the late update :(( school sucks 

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