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''Let's break up,'' Y/N suddenly pronounced. Is he serious?! He's smiling though..he's got to be joking. 

''Aww, Y/N! I love you too—''

''Heejin, I'm serious. Let's break up,'' He's still smiling?! He's really messing with me. I can literally see through him. His eyes...I know he doesn't mean this. ''I'm sorry Heejin.''

''What are you talking about?! Are you serious?'' Y/N started walk away as I continued to ramble. Is he sick in the head? ''Hey! Answer me! Stop messing with me Y/N. Do you have a death wish? Hey! Listen to me! I love you!'' 

Y/N stopped in his tracks but he kept walking a few seconds later. ''Hey! Didn't you hear me? I love you! I really love you. Ugh! I hate you!'' I eventually let him go. He's probably just joking around to scare me, right?


''Heejin!'' Cheorry's face was frowning when she ran to me, panting. ''Heejin! Have you seen Y/N today or know where he is?''

''No? Why?'' I continued dancing as Cheorry explained what happened. I am beyond puzzled to where this situation is going. 

''He left his phone in the dorm. Can you somehow give it back to him?'' The ball of sunshine gave me my boyfriend's phone and fled. Huh? Why would he leave his phone? Won't he need this? He's really my idiot hehe..

I decided on visiting his penthouse as a surprise later after practice to give him his phone back but for the meantime, Chuu and I are on a date to the cafe. 

''Heejin, how are you and..y'know,'' The penguin lifted her brows and smiled in a teasing way. Typical. 

''Pretty good. He was joking around last night when we were at the cliff. He said to break up and left me there. I'm very sure it was a joke since his eyes were saying something else. No worries at all,'' Confidently, I took a sip of my coffee and started to scroll through instagram. 

I scrolled past Y/N's most recent post, not forgetting to admire his face and like. The caption is so sweet although but his eyes look sad. 

''Find me in your heart.''

''Umm, Bunhee? Are you sure he's joking? He could mean it you know..not saying that he isn't joking. But, just make sure. What if he's for real? What are you going to do?'' Chuu had that worried look on her face whenever she's not sure and it's scaring me. She's right, what if Y/N wasn't joking? No, he has to. He would never leave me on the cliff like that..or would he? 

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