i need to stop loving you

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Hinata's POV

I woke up to the loud sound of heavy rain and thunder. I yawn and stretch as I sat down. I look at the time and see that it was already 7 am. I wipe my eyes because it was still so dark outside that it's hard to believe that it was morning already. The dark clouds that were spouting out rain were completely covering the bright sun. The thunder and lightning also seemed to have hit some trees near my house because there were a lot laying on the road. I go straight to my living room and open up the television to watch the news. They're saying that this storm isn't going to stop anytime soon. And has already caused some power outages in some prefectures and cities. Everyone was extremely panicking. This thunderstorm was just all over the news and already had some articles about how strong it is. It's really shocking to see that some people work very fast in this. I guess it's to just calm the people down and make it seem like they have it all handled. I see my phone vibrate. I shake off my thoughts and see what it was. I got a text from Sugawara. He said that classes are once again cancelled because of the thunderstorm. I sigh out of relief that I didn't have to run up a mountain in this huge thunderstorm and possibly slip and die. I stand up and head to my kitchen because I had decided to make some good breakfast. Katsudon sounds really good right now. I play some music and then start cooking my food.

As I cook the food, the thunders just kept roaring and roaring outside. I'm honestly surprised that this prefecture still didn't have a power outage. I finish cooking and then start eating. I was just playing some music and eating. I even started singing along to some of the songs to keep my mind off of things. Specifically, the fear of the thunderstorm outside and Kageyama. I felt pretty relaxed and happy right now. I finish eating and then clean the table and everything I used. I take a shower and finally cannonball into the bed again.

Since I had nothing to do, I thought that I would use facebook for a bit. It's really been a while since I used this. Actually, I downloaded this app just to stalk Kageyama. Sadly, he hasn't posted a thing. Neither have I since I would be too anxious and nervous to do it. I just added some friends and then scrolled through the feed. I saw some volleyball videos and some animal videos too. I also saw Bokuto-san and Akaashi-san going on dates and posting lots of pictures together. Surprisingly, it made me smile seeing the both of them get along so well. Not only them but, Sugawara-san and Daichi-san were also going on dates. Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san were also together on a restaurant. Asahi-san and Noya-san has a picture together in the recent festival. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were at the mall and the cinemas. Of course all of these didn't happen now since there's the thunderstorm and all. These were just all of their past dates.

I was just scrolling and scrolling until something caught my eye. Something that I really didn't want to see today. It says "Kageyama Tobio and Mayumi Satoshi are in a relationship." Hmm. So, "Mayumi Satoshi" is her name huh. She was a fairly average-heighted girl. She was almost as tall as Shimizu-san. She had long black hair and in every picture she has, she always had a smug smirk on her face. She also seemed so fake. What a bitch. I clicked on her profile and saw that she was quite popular. She had about 1k friends. I was just scrolling down on her timeline when I saw some pictures of Kageyama and her together. But it was all about 2 weeks ago. Going on dates.... Another surprise, Kageyama was actually looking happy in this one picture. It just made me curse my existence seeing this.

I saw the places they went. They went to do zoo, took pictures with pandas, giraffes, and every other animal that I also took a picture with when it was our date. What the hell? Also the cinemas. They also went to an aquarium. It made me sad just looking at this. It made me think back at all the things we've done at our date too.

We visited the zoo. Took pictures with the elephants and tigers. Ate at a restaurant. And then went straight to my house since the cinemas were really full. I guess this is where everything went wrong. If only I hadn't suggested doing it, maybe... things could've turned out differently. I did enjoy doing it with him but... I didn't know that he had a girlfriend. It just makes it seem like I forced Kageyama on doing it with me which resulted in him cheating on his girlfriend.

I really wanted to go on more dates. I thought that we were finally lovers. We would go to an amusement park and scream at the top of our lungs on roller coasters. Ate some crepes and ice cream as we circle around the booths. Or maybe going to the aquarium. Seeing all kinds of fishes. Taking pictures together, watching a dolphin show, and lots more things. Maybe just even going on a date in a mall. Just walking around while holding hands. Going to different shops, buying some clothes, eating at a nice and fancy restaurant, watch a movie and then just walk around again. Maybe just play some volleyball. He would teach me how to receive, how to spike, and maybe work on a new quick.

I just kept on imagining all these fantasies as I waited for the storm to pass by. But it never did pass by. All I thought about this entire day was Kageyama and Mayumi, his girlfriend. It made me sad that they looked so happy together. I guess I was right. I really need to stop loving you.

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