date time

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Third Person's POV

Hinata was extremely happy and excited on his way back home. He pedaled his bike over the mountain as if his life depended on it. He was just thinking 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT KAGEYAMA ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!' to himself over and over again as he pedals his bike.

He was close to his house already. He was alone. His parents and his sibling, Natsu, left to go to another city for work somewhere. He's been alone for a couple years now and he has gotten used to it already. He lives in this small city. A lot of people live there and there were also a lot of restaurants, malls, and parks! It was like a mini Tokyo.

(A/N: I know i know, y'all will probably go and argue with me to correct me on where he lives but I'm changing where he lives because I want to and, it will be a really really big deal at the end. Just stay tuned!)

Hinata parks his bike, and quickly enters his house, panting. He took a bath and then picked out an outfit he should use tomorrow. Tomorrow was actually a Saturday and there was this meeting with Coach Ukai and other schools so there wasn't any practice at all tomorrow. Meaning, they will both have the entire day all to themselves to spend on movies, scenery, and hanging out! Hinata thinks about that and couldn't help but squeal.

On the other hand, Kageyama was having an existential crisis. He was worried. Like really worried. Now that the so called "date" is coming up, he wasn't calm. Just thinking about that and not what he plans to do, worries him. He was now actually worried about the date. Like, what he's going to wear, where they're going to go, and stuff like that. He couldn't stand still so he just kept pacing around.

He also lives alone in another small city beside Hinata's. There would be an intersection or a cross-roads that would divide Kageyama's city from Hinata's just maybe a 5 minute walk outside Karasuno High. So naturally they would have to go their separate ways. Kageyama also lives alone because his parents were actually abroad because of a business that they own themselves so they thought that it would be better if they maintain the business in another country, specifically the U.S., so that's why Kageyama was alone.

Kageyama went into his house quickly and planned on what they were going to do and where they are going to. It was just 6 pm so he has a lot of time to plan, take a bath, eat dinner, and do whatever he wants.

They were both so very anxious about the date. It was just a shock in their lives. Hinata was waiting for Kageyama to ask him on a date while, Kageyama was waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask. They were still not lovers though so, it's just a friendship date. Hinata just realizes that and becomes a little bit sad but that sadness didn't last very long as he was just happy that he was asked on a date with Kageyama.

The two of them prepare for it. Get their clothes out and ready for tomorrow, eat dinner, and then tuck themselves in bed early. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

~The next day~

It was already morning. Hinata woke up bright and early at 9 am. He was supposed to wake up at 10 am but since he was way too excited, he woke up early. Kageyama was still asleep. He alarmed at 9:30 am so he also has the time to do whatever he wants. But he still has to pick Hinata up from his house. He can actually drive and owns a car but chooses to walk to his school.

not how it's supposed to go ||KageHina Fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now