Arjun took her hand which has the Kajal at the tip of her fore fonger, and slowly made a tika on the corner of her cheek. Draupadi realised what he did and blushed. She restrained herself and questioned him. "Why did you do that? It is not me who will be the target of is you. "Arjun answered her looking deep into her eyes. "But you need it more than me  otherwise every one will swoon over your beauty like they did at your Swayamvar day. "
Draupadi 's face flushed with memories of her Swayamvar day. She retorted slowly. "except the one who  hit the target. Arjun understood her complaint and smiled. ""If I swoon over you who will hit the target. Your father would have been disappointed. "He reasoned with her.
I assume you are more inclined towards hitting the target rather than any thing else. "She still is not in a mood to retreat back. Arjun said with his by now familiar attitude. "Yes. I was so enamoured by the whole thing. The great bow, the revolving fish that challenged my skills. "
Draupadi's face became pale . Arjun relented. He should'nt have hurt her like that. "Krishnaa, I did'nt mean to hurt your feelings.Especially before going off for a longer Trial. "He said in a soft voice.
Draupadi got the shock of her life. He just returned. Again going off leaving her starve in separation? Is her fate so bad that she can not enjoy sufficient time in bliss with him who is the reason for her existence? Draupadi was shattered beyond her control and lost the energy to stand on her feet. As she is about to collapse on the ground Arjun caught her with both his arms and gathered her near his heart. He felt sad on seeing her beautiful face which just tempted him to lose himself but had tears falling over her cheeks. He made her sit on the couch and almost bent over her so nearer with his arms tightly clasped round her . "Krishnaa look at me. I did'nt even tell mother about it. It was a secret mission assigned to me. I should suppress the mountain regions which are dictated by demons and yakshas. Hastinapur should stand by their ally kings who are at the feet of the mountains and losing their hard earned crops and finance to these to these trouble makers. "
Arjun's soft voice did not make Draupadi regain her composure. She has only one thing that is extracting her lifeenergy that he has to go. Arjun 's emotional persona dominated his  actual persona and made him submit before his beloved wife whose love is plunging him neck deep into the ocean of Devine love. "Why do you love me so much? He asked her with frustration. Draupadi still closed her eyes, that reflect her pain even when she closed them. Arjun saw the black Teeka on her cheek and pressed his cheek on it so that the mark applies on him also. Draupadi opened her eyes feeling him so nearer but Arjun passionately kissed her eyes and Draupadi felt her whole identity slowly merging into him. She uttered his name as if in dream Arjun.
The valiant archer melted in the passionate shower of love and experienced ultimate bliss.

Priyamvada called from the corridor. "Kumar Arjun what happened ? Why you two  are not ready yet? "Draupadi composed herself and got up from the couch. Arjun answered "Priyamvada, Maasi we are coming within five minutes. Draupadi wiped off her face and adjusted her hair. Arjun took her in his arms and asked "Are you alright now? He found her face which still has the impact of the tears.. He touched her lower lip with his fore finger and whispered. "You know krishnaa, At the moment I am so reluctant to go to dancing hall. I want to be with you and worship your unparalelled beauty. "Draupadi looked up into his eyes and found genuine feeling in them.  As they walked together , Priyamvada observed the black teeka on Draupadi's cheek and questioned. "Arjun, you have to put it no? Arjun showed his and remarked. "I felt she needed that more than me. "Draupadi got surprised at his boldness. Priyamvada smiled in approval. You did a good thing Arjun, The whole Hastinapur talks about her beauty only. "
Arjun smiled at Draupadi who still has the dis satisfied look on her face.She is unable to swallow his going away for battle within a short while.As they entered in the Dance Hall ,Arjun observedDussasan at the entrance with three of his brothers . Already Yudhishtir and Bheema are sitting in the first row along with Vidur. Gandhari and Kunti sat in the next row and Kunti had a relieved look on seeing them enter .
Dussasan laughed at Draupadi and she moved towards Arjun who is on her other side. Arjun understood her fear as the mischief done by Dussasan is still fresh in her mind. As for Dussasan he again purposely moved towards Draupadi and tried to  block her way. Arjun immediately understood his foul attempts and pulled Draupadi to his other side and came in between them. He placed his hand around her waist and lead her to the seats much to the surprise of everyone there. Kunti had a disapproved look on her face. Sahadev approached Yudhishtir and Bheem and briefly narrated the previous incident in a low voice.He does'nt want any misunderstanding to happen among the brothers.
Yudhishtir who has a look of surprise on seeing Arjun's public display of concern for Draupadi understood the reason behind his younger brother's action. He nodded his head  while Bheem got up with fury. "Eldest I will punish Dussasan now itself. "As he is about to move, Yudhishtir made him sit and said. "Cool down Bheem. Arjun is right in every way. We should not expose such things". Sahadev sided with him. "Bharata Arjun said the same and now to avoid any un wanted incident, he took care of Panchali. "Gandhari made Draupadi sit beside Arjun much to the displeasure of Kunti. Draupadi sat between Bhim and Arjun.Bheem assured Draupadi. "You know I would have tackled that crooked fellow that he would never attempt such things. Arjun is too soft. "He scolded his younger brother for not informing him about it. Arjun smiled and said. "Today onwards I entrust her responsibility to you brother. "He said glancing at Draupadi meaning fully.
Draupadi understood his taunt. He is indicating since he is going away he may not be able to protect her. Draupadi bent her eyes as she does'nt want anyone to observe her pain. Duryodhan who is observing them  commented "How I wish Arjun is my brother. I should have been in Yudhishtir's place.

Karn understood why he is saying so. Draupadi's extraordinary looks will make any one pine for her. His friend is not an exception.
Dussala came to Arjun and said excitedly. Bhrata, my friends asked me to convey their gratitude for being here.
She turned to Draupadi and said. Bhabhi don't take them otherwise .They are genuine admirers of Bhrata since childhood.
Panchali tried to hide her anger and said in a low voice so that only Arjun can hear. "Who are not? The line may start here and reach Malava, ,Dwaraka...
Arjun could not control his laugher. Bheem asked him why he is laughing. Arjun told Dussala."Go and tell them I am waiting for their show. "
Draupadi's face turned red and she did not hesitate to indicate her feeling with her side glance. Arjun controlled himself and remarked. "Bharata Bheem, are you not feeling the ravishing fire that is spreading flames? "Bheem could not understand his inner meaning but the fire born very well understood her husband's naughty remark.

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