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The phone rang on the kitchen counter making Mindy run from the front room to go pick it up. The last thing she wanted to have Tessa wake up after she just gotten her to fall asleep in the little swing. "Hello." She whispered a little out of breath.

"Hey you, how's it going?" Tia laughed in her ear.

She couldn't help but smile walking into the living room so she could talk, but still keep her eye on the baby. "It's going good. I just got Tessa to take a nap. She's cutting her first tooth, and oh my gosh T... sleep is more important in my life right now than sex!" She laughed.

"Oh yeah, I hear you. There's been many a night I prayed for sleep. And speaking of babies, I have some news to tell you..." Tia hinted in her, I'm pregnant, kind of way.

"No... oh my gosh, don't tell me you're pregnant again?!" She gasped.

"Well, yeah, I am." Tia giggled.

"What did Howie say about that?" She asked.

"Are you kidding me, that man is so happy about it, it's almost sickening!" Tia laughed.

"And, how do you feel about baby number four?"

"I'm really happy." She answered and Mindy could hear the smile on her face. "I love really love being a mom, it's like this was what I was made to do with my life, and Howie... he's such a great father." She sighed dreamily. "Speaking of which, how are you doing with the being a mom thing?"

"I love it too." She admitted. "But having Pual's mom around to help me out is wonderful, and she's an awesome nana! Last night was the first night that Paul and I got to go on a date, it was Susan who suggested it and volunteered to watch Tess. It was so nice; he took me out for dinner and then we went and hit the slots... it was so much fun!" She laughed.

"So, are you guys thinking about maybe having another baby any time soon?" Tia asked.

"Yeah, I think we're going to start to try again when Tessa turns two."

"You know I was talking to Howie yesterday, and we thought it would be really fun to come and visit you guys after the baby is born."

"Why wait until after the baby is born? You could come now. I really miss you, and it would be fun to take you shopping on the strip. They have great maternity shops." She offered.

"Yeah, I'd love to but I can't right now. Addison isn't doing too good. To tell you the truth, we're all kind of worried about her." Tia admitted.

"Oh man, I'm really sorry T." She answered getting choked up. She couldn't imagine losing Paul, just the thought of it makes her start to panic. She didn't know how Ad could live through it. "So, I know Lynn has a plan to help her."

"Well yeah, but it isn't Lynn's, it was Win's plan actually." Tia sighed.

"Win's plan?"

"Yeah, and I'm not so sure how Ad's going to feel about it though..." Tia mumbled. "But I guess we'll just wait and see how everything plays out."

"Are you going to tell me what all that means?" She laughed.

Tia was quiet for a minute and then... "Not right now, maybe after."

"After what...?"

"Well, Howie and the guys should be home from the tour at the end of the week, and me and Margie are going to Ad's place tomorrow to help her clean out all of Win's clothes from her bedroom. That's when we'll know if we're going to do the plan or not."

"Oh my gosh, she still hasn't cleaned out Win's things?"

"No, not yet. Lynn told her it's been over a year and she needs to start putting her life back together. I swear Mindy, she takes care of JW, Justin, and goes to works... that's it. We've started having our girls' nights again, even when the guys are home, and she acts like she's having fun, but she's really just a shell of herself."

"I'm so sorry Tia. I wish there was something I could do." She sighed.

"There isn't really anyone can do, so don't worry about it. Even if you were here Mindy, Addison would still be in the same place she's in right now..." Tia started and then the cell clicked. "Oh, I'll call you back later, that' Lynn. She'll bite my head off if I don't answer."

"Oh yes, she will!" She smiled.

"Bye." Tia laughed and then hung up.

Mindy laughed and then sighed as she glanced over at Tessa chubby little face when she heard the front door open. Paul walked into the front room stopping to look at their little baby girl. She saw him smile and then turn to look for her when she waved.

He walked into the living room with his dimpled grin and took her in his arms giving her a kiss. "You trying to escape Tessa?" He chuckled when he let her breath again.

"No." She laughed. "Tia called and I wanted to be able to talk to her, and not in a whisper. That tooth is just about ready to break through, but man is our little girl is miss cranky pants right now." She explained.

"Well since she's taking a nap... do you think we have enough time for a quickie?" He winked.

"Oh my gosh, why is that always the first thing that comes out of your mouth." She chucked.

"It's a guy thing." He winked again.

She smiled and then it fell as she looked over his black eye from his last fight and her stomach turned at the thought of not having him around. "Don't ever leave me okay, no matter what." She whispered.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked pulling back looking at her.

"Addison isn't doing good, and I totally get it now. I love you so much, and if you ever left me... I don't think I could survive it."

"Hey." He whispered lifting her head up her so she would look at him. "This thing we got, it's a forever thing gorgeous. I'm not going anywhere but home to my gorgeous two ladies every night. Never forget that, you got it?" He growled.

"Yeah, I got it." She smiled reaching down taking his ass in her hands. "You still want that quickie?" She purred.

"Do I still want a quickie? Woman, I'll always want a quickie when I can get it, especially when you offering it to me." His voice rumbled taking her to the floor.

"Tell me you'er mine?" She whispered as he kissed her neck.

"I'm your gorgeous, yours forever and always..." He growled, and then made love to her to make sure she had no doubts about it.

The end

Moving Pat Heartbreak  Vol. 4 Rocker GirlWhere stories live. Discover now