Chapter 16

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The car pulled up to Addison's place and she saw a fancy red sports car sitting in the driveway. She turned off her car and sat back in the seat and shook her head. "Of course, he would be here." She grumbled before taking a sip of the soda to calm her stomach, then got out of the car and started walking to the front door.

She fixed her shirt and pushed her hair behind her ears before she actually knocked on the door. She took a breath as she heard footsteps coming, but wanted to roll her eyes when South Parker answered it. "Hey Min, how are you doing?" He grinned in his easy manner.

"Um, I'm doing okay. Is Ad here?"

"Yeah, she's in her bedroom washing her face off." He answered shutting the door behind her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"I think she will be fine. Tia and Howie took the boys for the night so she could have a couple of minutes of peace and quiet... but I don't think she likes it very much." He admitted.

"Oh, yeah. She loves her boys very much." She nodded thinking of the baby inside her, and then wondered if she should come back later to talk to Ad... but knew it was now or never because Paul wanted to leave first thing in the morning. "So, she's in her bedroom?"

"Yeah." He answered letting her in and shutting the door behind her.

"Ad?" She called out down the hall.

"Yeah, I'm in the boy's room," Addison hollered back.

When she made it to JW and Justin's room, she saw Addison sitting on the bed holding an old stuffed animal with their dog Tennessee laying by her feet. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asked quietly.

Addison glanced up. "I'm hanging in there." She answered, and then glanced at her wrist. "How about you?"

"The same I guess. Hanging in there." She shrugged going to sit on the opposite bed from her.

"Why's South here?" She asked.

"I don't know." Ad shrugged. "He said he wanted to come and check to see how I was doing since he was in town."

"Well, that was nice of him." She offered.

"Yeah... but I'm glad he's here. At least it's something to take my mind off the boys being gone." Addison said with a forced grin. "So, is everything okay? None of us have heard from you for over a week now. We were all worried about you, but didn't want to bother you until you were ready."

"Yeah, sorry about that." She murmured.

"Are you okay?" Ad asked with a frown.

"I am now." She assured her.

Addison looked down and then shook her head. "I don't even know where to begin about what happened, only that I'm so damn sorry." She started and then looked back up. "I have no idea what the hell got into Dax's head saying such bull shit, but I told him that what he did and said to you was so wrong!" She growled.

Mindy reached over taking Addison's hand. "That was one of the reasons I wanted to come over because I wanted you to know, none of this was your fault Addison, none of it... this is all on Dax!" She growled and then shook her head. "And me... I was so damn blind when it came to him, but now I can see the truth about everything.

"Dax never loved me and I never understood why. I could never do anything that would make him want to be with just me, but that night, I finally got it, all of it, and damn did it hurt." She sighed.

"I'm so sorry Min, I really am. I never knew." Addison frowned.

"I know that... I really do. But that wasn't the real reason why I came over today to talk to you." She started.

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