Chapter 14

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Three years later...

The back yard at Lynn and Nickels new place looked like something you'd see on some TV show where rich people lived. It was lush and green, with flowers everywhere with a pool that was as big as a lake and had a gorgeous waterfall flowing into it. It was nighttime as the yard was now covered in white twinkle lights and she waited next to Tia, Margie, and Addison, for Lynn to come and walk down the aisle.

The four of them all had soft pastel flowy sundresses on holding a small bouquet of summer flowers as Nickels waited by the pastor. Then the music started and they all looked up as Lynn started to make her way down the aisle. Mindy couldn't help but smile as she saw Nickels face light up at the sight of Lynn, and then had to hold in her laugh as Lynn winked at him.

As the pastor started talking, she glanced over at Paul and caught him staring at her, making her blush. Life had been unlike anything that she could ever have imagined. She had a man who loved her, and who she loved. Her friends trusting her once again, a job that she now really loved and, even put to service in helping out Paul at some of his fights.

But as she stood there watching another one of her friends tie the knot, she glanced up at the small group of friends and family and saw Win. He looked even worse than he did just a week ago and seemed to get sicker by the minute. He was the reason that Lynn and Nickels were having this first wedding and then heading back to California for the second.

Addison wasn't able to leave Win as sick as he was, or you could say... she wasn't, and there was no way Lynn was going to get married without Addison being the maid of honor. So they decided that this wedding in the back yard of their new home in Nashville with a small group of twenty was going to be the real wedding. The one back home was all just for show.

After the nuptials, Lynn was ready to throw her bouquet, where three of their friends from the hospital stood. But when Lynn threw it, Mindy reached up and plucked it right from the air in victory. She turned to glance at Paul who had all the guys laughing at him and shrugged, then winked at her.

The night felt like one of their girls' nights, with pizza and beer, but Margie made sure that Lynn and Nickels had a huge wedding cake with a cake topper where the groom is keeping the bride from running off. Everyone thought that was funny and so true!

Later on, her, Addison, Tia, and Margie, all got up on a little makeshift stage and played for Nickels and Lynn for their first dance together. As she sang, she glanced over at Paul who was smiling at her. He'd told her that after he saw her play the keyboard and sing with the girls, he thought she was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen in his life. But then she glanced at Addison who sung every word to Win and their eyes were glued to one another. As she looked out, she saw someone else who couldn't keep his eyes off Addie, and it was Dax.

She couldn't help but notice just how much Dax had been over at Addison place since Win got sick, but she thought it was because Win and Dax had become good friends. As she played so many things went through her mind, and then she thought, what if Addison and Dax ended up together, would that bother her? She glanced back over at Paul and saw him still smiling at her and she knew that she would be okay with it... but deep down, she also knew that it would still hurt as well.

The night was beautiful, and when she and Paul left, she wondered if Paul was thinking about marrying her. "What you thinkin' about gorgeous?" He asked taking her away from her thoughts.

"Nothing really, just things." She answered.

"I know my girl better than that. So, what's going on with you?"

"Well, I was just thinking about my wedding is all." She shrugged.

"Your wedding?"


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