Chapter 13

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The plane started to circle in for the landing and the first thing he saw was the thick coat of smog that hovered beneath the plane. His head fell back against the seat in first class, and he couldn't help but groan at the shit he was going to get from Nickels when he saw him. When he got his bag from the terminal, he walked out into the hot California sun and looked for the limo he had ordered.

Dax walked into his mansion, dropping his bag onto the gorgeous high glossed gold stone terrazzo floor, and made his way upstairs. As he stepped into his bedroom his cell vibrated in his pocket and already knew who it was before he pulled it out to see he was right. "Nickels, I said I would be in tomorrow morning." He sighed taking a seat at the edge of his bed.

"Tell me Howie's ass is with you." Nickels growled.

"Nope, and I wouldn't expect him back until he's got Tia back." He offered already ready for what was going to come next.

"What the fuck is he thinking! We have a fucking record to make!!" Nickels shouted into his ear.

"I guess he thought Tia was more important." He answered and then spoke up before Nickels chimed in again. "Look, my ass is tired so I'll just talk to you in the morning."

Nickels was quiet but then sighed. "Fine, but remember... don't say shit about Addie around Jimmy."

"I know that.... I'm not a complete fucking idiot you know!" He growled.

"That could be negotiated." Nickels stated, and then hung up.

"Asshole..." He growled once again dropping the cell to the bed. He ran his hands over his face hissing as they went over it his bruises. He got up from the bed dredging going into the bathroom but knowing a hot shower was exactly what the doctored ordered.

When he flipped on the light, he could see himself in the enormous mirror and swore. The closer he got the worst he looked until he stopped and placed his hands on the counter as he leaned in and took a good look at the damage. "Son of a bitch, this is going to be hard to explain tomorrow." He mumbled at his reflection, then stripped off his clothes and got into the shower.

The next day he pulled into the parking garage, sighing getting ready for the swarm of questions that he was going to be hit with when the guys see him. He took a drag of his smoke before putting it out and opened the car door to go face the music.

He walked into the building with his hands in his pocket, nodding his good mornings to all the people who worked there. Soon he found his way to the elevator and hit the button to make it up to the recording studio.

When he walked into the studio doors, the first to look over his shoulder was Nickels, and he didn't say anything, just shook his head. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Nothing..." He answered swiping Nickels smokes and lighting one.

"We have a fucking photo shoot in five days asshole." Nickels growled.

"That's why we have fucking makeup and photoshop." He growled back.

That's when Jones came in from the sound room with a shit eatin' grin, and then took a good look at his face. "Fucking hell man, what the hell happened to your face?"

"I got into a fight, obviously?" He growled.

"Are you sure you even fought back?" Jones laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha. You're killing me." He replied when Jimmy came into the room looking more like a zombie than a rock god he was. "Hey Jimmy, how's it going man?"

Jimmy glanced up from the ground and cracked a grin. "Better than you are from the looks of it." He chuckled, bringing the bottle of water up to his mouth, but his hand was shaking badly that he stopped and dropped it pack down to his side. "So, where have you been asshole?"

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