Chapter 7

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When Paul had dropped her off last night, she was so damn happy that she got into her car and drove to Ad's house so she could tell Tia all about what happened. The smile was still plastered on her face from last night as she drove to work that morning, that's how excited she was. But she didn't want to screw this up with Paul and become clingy... like she tends to become.

With Dax it was always a feeling of longing and desperation for him to love her like she loved him, but he never did, and after time it just wore her down mentally and physically. But at the same time, she didn't want to end up in the same place with Paul as she had with Dax.

She was nervous that if this thing with Paul goes to shit, would she be able to cope with that, or is it that she's just as screwed up as her mother was... and that has always been the question she asked herself, and that haunted her.

When she walked onto the emergency room floor, she saw Lynn and the grin that she had on her face, and knew Ad had already talked to the crazy one of the group as she walked her way. "So... Win is going with you to an MMA fight tonight huh...?" Lynn asked with that sly look in her eye.

"Yeah." She shrugged starting to walk off.

"Hold up there girly." Lynn chuckled taking her shoulder and turning her around. "And...?"

"And what?"

"Oh, come on. You know my ass is coming with you tonight." Lynn informed her.

"Yeah, figured as much when I saw you smile at me." She laughed.

"Damn, so you're really dating an MMA fighter. I've got to confess, I'm kind of jealous. I bet they are a fun fuck in the sack." Lynn winked.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the obvious place Lynn's brain went. "I met a couple of his friends that were MMA fighters. If you want I can introduce you to a couple of them... their all pretty hot."

"Hot damn, you know I'm down with that!" Lynn laughed coming over and swinging her arm around Mindy's shoulders. "Now tell me how fucking hot they are... and if you think they might be into a threesome." She winked as they walked to the station.

After a crazy morning on the floor, Mindy was looking forward to getting something to eat before she headed back into the insanity. There just had to be a full moon tonight! She bought a slice of pizza and an extra-large soda, before walking into the cafeteria. When she saw Addison and Tia talking at one of the tables, she walked over. "Hey guys, what's up?" She asked taking a seat, then seeing Tia wipe off a couple tears from her face. "Hey, what's going on?"

Tia just shook her head and then Addison sat back and had the look on her face that she wanted to kill someone... "Tia can't seem to get ahold of Andy. It seems the ass has just disappeared off the face of the earth!" She growled.

Mindy glanced over at Tia looked like she was going to be sick she was so green, and pretty damn pale, and then back at Ad. "What do you mean you can't get ahold of him? Call South or that asshole Rex... one of those two assholes should know where his ass is." She stated.

"Yeah, I've done both. Hell, now I'm putting a call into Samantha to get back to me to see if Billy could get ahold of any of them." Ad sighed slumping back in her seat rubbing her belly.

Mindy sat back and shook her head. "Why do we always seem to find these assholes to fall in love with." She sighed, and then saw Tia's lip trembl and reached over and took her hand. "Hey, everything is going to be okay. Maybe he's just busy practicing and everything..." She explained trying to sooth her friends nerves.

"Yeah, maybe." Tia whispered.

Mindy glanced up at Addison's frowning face and they both knew the truth of the matter, but there was no way in hell they could tell Tia. So instead they started talking about next weeks girl's night, and wondered if they would see Margie there so they could all play togther.

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