Chapter 3

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It was finally Friday morning, and it had been only a couple days after Paul had helped her move Tia's things to Addison and Win's place. They had only talked a couple times since then, but seeing that they both had been so busy it was hard to make plans for them to get together.

After Paul's call last night, she couldn't quit smiling, even when she got off the phone, and when she walked into the bathroom this morning, she was shocked to see that the smile was still on her face when she looked into the mirror. It seemed like forever since she'd been this happy... about anything in her life, and couldn't help but wonder if a certain tall, dark haired, blue eyed, all American guy, was the reason for it.

Now, it wasn't as if she needed a man to make her happy, in fact she'd had a man in her life since she was just a kid, and he'd made her absolutely miserable. But after all she'd been through, all the assholes she'd had on the side to get Dax out of her system, to have a guy like Paul who is everything she'd ever hoped for treat her like she was special... well, it felt pretty damn good.

Paul had made an effort to get to know her, and her family. He helped Win move the heavy furniture when he didn't have to, he was sweet to all of them and had no problems talking to anyone. He was sexy, so funny, sweet, smart, and could not only handle Lynn, but could give it to her, as well as she gave it to him... And that in her book, made him one hell of a keeper!

When he had gotten off the phone last night saying he had to be at work early tomorrow to open the shop, she came up with an idea. So, this morning she actually took the time to put on some makeup, do her hair, put on some of her nice clothing, instead of him seeing her in scrubs, to pop in and say hi to one smoking hot barista.

She had just gotten herself ready and was fixing her collar, and putting on her lipstick, when the phone rang. Addison had gotten called into work, and was wondering if she could take Tia to a doctor's appointment. With Tia being Mindy's best friend... there was no way she couldn't say no. Maybe she would take Tia with her to get a coffee to. Great buffer, just in case she gets rejected.

When she pulled up to Addison's house the only thing on her mind was what she was going to say when she saw Paul again, and if she should ask him out? She turned off the car and was smiling as she walked to the front door, and was just about to walk in, when Dax opened the front door.

"Hey Min, I didn't know you were coming over today?" He grinned, but there was more to it than that, there was a bit of edge to it... and then she got it, he thought she came over to see him.

"Ah, well, I'm here to pick up Tia for a doctor's appointment." She mumbled so he wouldn't think that she was here for him. "But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back home recording or something?" She finally managed to ask.

"I came to check on Addie." Was all he offered.

"Check on Ad, for who, Jimmy?" She asked, now more than a little worried.

"No, I'm not here for Jimmy, and he doesn't know I'm here either." He stated, but she could see there was something wrong with his answer.

"Then what are you doing here?" She asked.

Dax leaned against the door with his mouth in a hard line, and she knew he wasn't going to answer her question, but she didn't understand why. Then Ad hurried up behind him with her round belly pushing him out of the way. "What are you doing Dax? Quit blocking the damn door and let Mindy in, Tia's already running late!" Addison growled as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail, then hurried back off.

Dax moved aside, and she skimmed past him, too afraid to even have any part of her body touch his. Once she was in, he shut the door, and then gave her a quick glance, before he walked off leaving her alone. "Hurry up chipmunk or you're going to be late for work." Dax chuckled at Ad who then started swearing under her breath at him.

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