Chapter 5

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If she was being honest with herself, a hony-tonk was just like all of the rock bars she'd been to over the years. You had the women looking for someone to take them home, the guys looking for the one night stand, the drinkers, the hotties, and then of course the band and the groupies that go with them.

Paul's brother's band, the Rowdy Bastards, were just like every other band she'd seen... even if they were western. Just like the places Death Ever After had played in when they first started, the guys were looking for the quick fuck and you had the groupies who were all to willing to give it to them. Yeah, it was all the same, just with different music, and the whores were wearing a different style of clothing.

Paul's hand led her through the crowd, and she couldn't believe how his touch affected her, even though they'd just met. She'd never had it were a man's touch affected her, well other then Dax, but his touch was never caring, loving, or protective, like Paul's was, and she liked it. Then she saw the table with the group of guys that he was leading her to and the first thing she thought to herself was... what are they feeding these guys in Tennessee because, they were fucking huge!

It had been a long time since she'd been nervous about meeting new people. Normally meeting anyone was never a big deal, she'd met rockstars to movie stars, but then again, she'd have the girls with her and that let her just be as smart ass... but she really wanted Paul's friends to like her.

When they got in front of the table, her heart was pounding at the stares she was getting, but put a smile on her face. "Fella's this is Mindy. Mindy that's Heath, Jedd, and the big guy is Tripp. " He offered pulling out a stool for her to sit.

Mindy looked at all three of the men... Heath was very good looking with his blond hair and blue eyes, Jedd reminded her a lot like Jones, dark hair, light brown eyes sun kissed skin, with that same, I can get in your pants, attitude. But Tripp, he seemed more like a big teddy bear, with long dark hair, green eyes, and a smile that made him look well, friendly, but in a very sexy way.

They all were muscular, all very confident in themselves, and all pretty damn good looking too... Lynn would be in fucking heaven if she saw these guys... and then would probably invite them over to have a gang bang with her.

"Ah, hi, nice to meet all of you." She smiled.

"Hey there yourself, beautiful." Tripp winked tippin' his beer in her direction and giving her a grin that she was sure drove all the woman in this place crazy.

"Alright Romeo, leave the lady alone now." Paul chuckled, but wrapped his arm protectively around her waist as she sat... which she really liked.

"Well damn Perry aren't you going to get your date a beer or what?" Jedd asked giving the rest of the guys a big grin. "We'll make sure to keep her safe." He winked at her, and she couldn't help but grin.

"No, I'll have one of you go..." He started when Heath cut in.

"Damn Perry, just go get your girl something to drink already." Heath chuckled.

Paul growled as he looked at all his friends over then shook his head. "I'll be right back. Is there something you want?" He asked as he leaned down into her ear.

"Anything is fine with me." She smiled.

"Sounds good gorgeous." He chuckled and then glared over at his friends before taking off.

She watched Paul walk through the crowd and then turned back to face the three men... if they thought that they could intimidate her, they'd never been around a bunch of famous rockstars before.

Moving Pat Heartbreak  Vol. 4 Rocker GirlWhere stories live. Discover now