Chapter 15

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The ride in the ambulance was quiet, Mindy wouldn't even look at him when he took her hand only for her to turn her head away from him, and all he wanted to know was, what the fuck was going on?

When they pulled into the hospital he jumped out and followed behind the EMT's as they pushed the bed past the ER and into a special area where he was stopped by a nurse. "I'm sorry sir, but you're going to have to wait here for now." She told him.

His hands went through his hair ready to roar at the woman, but then gathered his emotion. "Yeah, sure..." He mumbled.

"Go take a seat." She said pointing to some chairs up against the wall.


She nodded and then then walked back into through the double doors, and he slumped forward with his elbows embedded on his knees and his hands covering his face.

He must have sat that way for a long time because when his cell vibrated in his back pocket his joints were soar. He looked at who the caller was, ready not to answer it when he saw it was Boden. "Hey." He answered.

"Hey yourself... where are you at brother? It's two in the morning and I'm at your place and your ass isn't home." Boden growled.

"I'm at the hospital..." He started.

"Oh shit! Mom..." Boden worried.

"No, not mom, Mindy." He answered.

"What, what happened? Is she okay?"

"I'm not sure yet." Was all he could say.

"I'm on my way," Boden answered and then hung up.

Paul was going to call him back and tell him not to come, but at the moment, talking some shit of out with his brother sounded pretty damn good. It was about twenty minutes later he saw Boden rush over to him in a pair of ripped jeans and rodeo t-shirt.

"What the fuck is Mindy doing in a mental place?" Boden growled as he plopped down next to him.

He slumped back into the chair and shook his head. "I don't really know what happened. Only that Mindy walked into the kitchen, snatched a ten-inch blade from the drawer and looked as if she was going to stab Dax in the heart with it... only to slice her wrist right open." He explained making his heart hurt just thinking about it.

"Holy shit brother! What the hell happened?!" Boden asked.

"Like I said, I don't know. But it was obviously about Dax for her to do what she did." He murmured.

"Do you think she's still in love with the guy?" Boden asked.

He glanced over at his brother and then back at the ceiling. "If you would have asked me that three hours ago, I would have told you no. But now... I'm not so sure." He admitted.

"Then maybe you should just leave and go get your shit figured out," Boden advised.

"I can't do that Boden, I love her. More then I've ever loved anybody brother, and I'm not going to leave her." He growled, then added to that statement when he saw his brother open his mouth. "And this is nothing like Rachel, so don't go there!"

A nurse came out from the door glancing around and then started walking towards him. "Are you Mr. Perry?" She asked.


"Miss. Barr would like you to see you." The woman told him.

"Yeah, okay." He answered getting up from the seat and then turned back around. "I might be a while." He told Boden.

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