Chapter 10

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3 Weeks later...

It had been a very long week. Not only had she not seen Paul because of everything going on with work and Tia, but also Dax had decided to stop over to Ad's house, again, and for the life of her couldn't figure out why he always had to go see Addison and Tia? She thought for sure Nickels would be spitting nails with him being gone all the time, but Maybe he was becoming good friends with Win? Either way, she wished she didn't have to see him ever again. It wasn't like she was in love with his ass anymore... but there was this deep anger of her life wasted on that man, the pain she put herself through, and the severity of cruelty he put her through, and that still hurt like hell.

The only thing that saved her sanity over her stupidity was a very hot MMA fighter who treated her like she was something special to him. It had only been a month since she and Paul had started dating, but having a man like him in her life was healing her in more ways than she thought possible.

Now she wanted to just finish up this shift and head over to Addison's for girl's night, and then go and see her man. She had been doing her best not to jump in bed with Paul, but now she was at the point that she felt like she was going to burst if she didn't have sex with him... she wasn't a nun for fucks sakes! But her goal was to wait for three months. If Paul can hold out for that long, then he was as good as his word of willing to take it slow, and nothing like Dax and the guys at all.

She was typing in something on a patient that was about to be released when Lynn strolled over to her and leaned against the nurse's station having the gum pop as she chewed it. "So, I got a call from Addison." Lynn started.

"Okay, what did she have to say?" She mumbled typing in the medicine's long ass name.

"It seems there's going to be a surprise for us tonight."

"Oh yeah, what?"

"I don't know... but I'm sure it's going to be good. I'm off in ten and I'm heading out to go get the pizzas. Do you mind getting the drinks?" Lynn asked.

Her phone went off and she took it out of her pocket. "Yeah sure." She answered and then grinned reading the text that Paul had just sent her...

"Hey gorgeous. Just wanted to let you know that since my girl is out with her friends tonight, I'm heading to the bar with Tripp and Heath for a beer. But don't worry, I'll be back before you head on over."

"That must be your hot, badass man texting for you to be blushing that way." Lynn teased.

"Yeah, it is." She smiled.

"So, you still coming over though, right?"

"Of course I am. Fries before guy's." She laughed.

"Good." Lynn winked as she started to walk off, and then turned back around. "Oh, and hey, get you and me some good shit, not just sodas... I need something strong tonight, I can feel it."

"I can do that." She assured as she got the papers from the printer, and glanced up at the clock seeing she had only forty-five minutes left till she was off, then headed to room number 2 where the patient was waiting to go home.

Mindy stopped by the liquor store before she headed home for a quick shower and a change of clothing before heading over to Addison's place. When she pulled up, she grabbed the soda, beer, and of course the bottle of Jack to make sure Lynn was happy, before knocking on the door... with her foot.

"Hey." Tia answered with a giggle and taking the liquor bottle.

"Hey yourself, what's so funny?" She asked.

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