Chapter 8

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The car ride to the burger joint was a lot of fun, and the food smelled so good as they went back to Paul's place. She was sipping on her strawberry milkshake when she started to tease Paul over his music; then he turned up the radio blaring them out. After a minute he laughed and let her put on something she liked, good old fashion rock-and-roll... then she turned up the volume. He was laughing at her when a song came on, from a band she knew all too well, and she got quiet.

"Hey gorgeous, what's going on?" Paul asked.

Mindy's head popped up, and she glanced over at Paul, and she put the smile back on her face. "What do you mean?"

"Come on; I can see somethings bothering you. So just tell me." He winked.

She sighed as she heard Jimmy start to sing again. "This is the band that I grew up with. It's funny to think it was only a couple years ago; everything was so different for all of us." She explained.

"So, why don't you tell me about it?" He asked, glancing over at her.

"How about you tell me about you first. Did you have a good childhood?" She asked not wanting to talk about her messed up life.

"Okay... so what do you want to know?"

"I don't know. Did you live with your mom and dad, did you have a happy childhood, did you have a lot of friends in school, did you play sports, or were you more of a trouble maker? Just things like that." She smiled leaning her head against the seat looking him over.

He glanced at her again, and she could see his mind working and why she deflected, and then he answered. "So, my mom and dad were happily married until the day my dad passed. I had only a handful of friends at school, and those are the guys I still talk to today. I was definitely a trouble maker and made my mom cry more than once... that's probably why I try to be her favorite now." He winked.

"You made your mom cry? I don't believe you." She grinned.

"Oh man, I thought my dad was going to beat the living shit out of me on more than a couple of occasions. Especially when I stole our truck and me and Heath took it on a joyride around town. I definitely made my mom cry that night." He chuckled.

"Did you have a good childhood?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think I did. I mean, we were really poor when I was younger, so me, Boden and Sara didn't have all of the things a lot of the things other kids had. But we made up for it by making things up to keep ourselves entertained most of the time." He grinned.

"Sounds like fun." She smiled.

"It was, at times. But what about you, did you have a good childhood?" He smiled. But she was quiet, she hated talking about her childhood, and hated that most of it, along with her teen years, mainly consisted of one man, and her longing to have him love her. "Mindy?"

"Do you really want to know, because my childhood was really different from yours." She murmured.

"Of course, I want to know gorgeous. I want to know everything about you." He winked.

She nodded and thought about where to start off. "I don't know who my father is. My mom thought it was a man she had dated once, but she wasn't sure. You see, my mom had some mental problems. But she loved the men; she would fall in love and follow that guy wherever he went. I think I lived in four states the year I was five just following the men she "Fell in love with." There was a lot of men over the years, but it wasn't until I was nine that I was taken away from her." She explained.

"You were taken away from your mom?"

"Yeah, my mom dated men that had the tendency to have a very heavy hand with her and with me." She shrugged. "You know, I never even went to school until I was placed into the foster home. But that's where I met all the guys from Death Ever After, that's how we all grew up together."

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