Chapter 2

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The only thing he could ever hear when he was in the ring was the sound of the bell, everything else just slipped away when that sound came. All the pain and loss over the last seven years just disappeared. It didn't matter if he was getting hit or if he was the one doing the hitting, the pain and release of all the anger and frustrations was gone when the physical pain came.

It had been two years since he'd stepped back into a ring and when his best friend Tripp got in a quick kick to the face that he didn't see coming, that just pissed him off. "Damn, I thought you were supposed to be some big bad ass MMA fighter... my little sister could whoop your ass!" Tripp laughed dancing around the ring, as Paul picked himself up off the mat.

"Yeah, well your sister could kick your ass, so that's not saying much." He growled.

Tripp shoulder length dark hair was pulled back out of his face as his hazel eyes danced with laughter as he flexed his chest making the tribal tattoos dance as he taunted him. "Oh, you think so pretty boy? You know what I think, I think the girls all think you're way too pretty to be a fighter. Oh, Paul so sweet, oh he's so nice, he wouldn't hurt anyone..." Tripp teased making a stupid girl's voice, and then started laughing. "And you know started believed that shit! What do you think Heath?"

"I think he needs to get his head back in the game if he wants to win the fight this weekend." Heath growled pushing his blond hair from his face as he watched the two spar. "And why the hell aren't you blocking those kicks?" He yelled as Tripp came in tying to sweep his leg out from under him.

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?" He growled going in for a punch.

"Looks like Tripp's kicking your ass, if you ask me!" Heath growled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm working on it!" He mumbled shaking off the kick to the head.

"Well you better hurry up or he's going to knock your ass out!" Heath then laughed.

"Come on Heath, we both know our boy is better at making coffee now that he his throwing a punch." Tripp heckled.

Paul shook off the hit, and then was going to have one of his best friends kissing the mat with his face by the he was through. He loosened his neck and waited for Tripp to come at him again, and when he did, he threw his punches, kicked him, and then grappled him to the ground where Heath hit the mat with his fist.

"Done! Damn Perry, now that's what I'm talking about!" Heath laughed.

He helped Tripp from the mat and patted him on the back before jumping from the rink. "Don't make fun of my coffee skills asshole... I can still kick your ass." He smiled.

"Noted." Tripp groaned feeling his jaw.

Heath gave him a towel as they walked to the locker. "We're heading over to the Blue Devil for a beer and to find a piece of ass for the night... you up for it?" He chuckled.

"I'm kind of tired..." He started.

"Come on man, it's been two years since the Rachel fiasco. I'm not asking you to fall in love or anything, just come out and have a good time for once. Not all woman are going to mind fuck you, you know." Heath stated shaking his head.

Tripp came over throwing his arm over Paul's shoulder. "Yeah, and I hear your brother's back in town. So that means with The Rowdy Bastards playing at the bar tonight, there's going to be enough hot tail to go around for all of us." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess you can count me in." He shrugged, thinking a piece of ass might be what he needed to take the edge off. The shit didn't work out with Margie, but even he knew that they weren't a goof fit for each other.

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