Chapter 6

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It had been a long time since he'd been this damn jumpy, but he was. He'd already been at the gym that morning and he felt good about his conditioning, and now he was just waiting to weigh in... but he needed to do something to take his mind off tonight or he was going to go insane. Then big brown eyes, cute button nose with freckles, with full lips took over his thoughts, and he pulled out his cell.

"Where are you at?" He texted Mindy and after a minute, he got an answer.

"Work. I switched my shift with a friend so I could go see you fight tonight."

That made him grin, and after that, he had to see her. "When do you have lunch?" He asked.

"In about an hour, why?"

"Would you mind if I stop by and say hi?"

"I would like that." She answered, and he couldn't help but smile.

"See you in an hour than."

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria."

"Sounds good." He texted, and then went into the kitchen to get his meal ready to go. It was going to be hard not eating when everyone around him was, but he'd bring his own shit to eat.

When he got to the hospital, he parked near the cafeteria. He knew where that was from all the times his mom was in the hospital for chemo treatments. When he walked in, he looked around and then saw Mindy's hand waving at him, sitting at a table with two other women... who were smiling at him.

He grinned as he walked over and gave Mindy a small kiss. "Hey sweetheart. Aren't you looking extra gorgeous today." He chuckled and then took a seat next to her. "Ladies."

"You remember Tia and Addison..." She smiled.

"Of course I do. I didn't know yawl worked here with Mindy." He winked.

Both women were very pregnant, but the one named Tia beamed at him, while Addison crossed her arms and sat back looking him over, and then nodded. "It was really nice to see you again, but Tia and I have to get back to work. See you after lunch Mindy." She smiled as she put her hand on Mindy's shoulder in an almost motherly way.

When the two ladies were gone Mindy looked relieved and he suspected that he had just underwent an inspection that he wasn't even aware of. "Addison really likes you." She smiled.

"Is that a good thing." He asked.

"Well, it doesn't hurt." She shrugged and then laughed. "If Ad got a bad feeling, then she'd tell Lynn... and that's a new kind of hell that you don't want to know about!"

"Well, I'll keep that in mind." He chuckled, but it was right then he realized seeing Mindy smile and laugh, it made him really happy, and happy wasn't something a woman brought him in a long time... well other then when he'd find one for a quick screw. "So, are you long forward to tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah. Lynn, Win, and one of Lynn's play toys are coming to watch with me as well." She answered taking a bite of her pizza, and damn did it look good, so he got out his green juice.

"Lynn's play toy?"

"Oh, uh, yeah... you'll understand when you get to know Lynn." She answered. "So, are you nervous about tonight?" She asked.

"Well, I'm not nervous, but I guess you could say that I want to just get this fight over so my name is back out there. Then I can start working myself to get into the UFC." He explained.

"What's the UFC?" She asked.

"It's the biggest organization for mixed martial arts out in Vegas."

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