Lay Me Down Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

I walked to school the next morning. My mind occupied by Carter. I hated how he could do this to me. I hated that he made me feel this way. I didn't want us to fight, which is what this felt like. I walked inside school and headed to our first class.

I felt someone grab my waist spinning me around. Carter grabbed my hands.

"Lizzie look I'm sorry about last night. I just hate always seeing you down and it kills me to know that someone is hurting you and you don't want my help or won't let me do anything about it, but I won't interject if you don't want me to, but I will kick his ass for you" He muttered. I laughed and he kissed me.

"I really am sorry" He muttered against my lips.

"Me too" I muttered back smiling.

"You know what?" he questioned.

"What" I muttered back.

"I think you should ditch school with me and come back to my place" He stated.

"Carter-" I started.

"Come on Lizzie, live a little" He told me. I sighed.

"Fine Carter" I said. He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling off of school grounds towards his car. I got in on the passengers side.

Carter cranked up the car and put it in drive.

We pulled to Carter's place and I got out of the car and followed him inside.

"You hungry?" Carter asked closing the door.

"No Carter, I'm not a binge eater you know. Every time I come over you ask me to eat. Do you think I'm too skinny?"I asked looking down at my body.

"No Lizzie I think you're perfect. I'm just trying to be nice. Are you thirsty?" He asked. I laughed.

"I'm fine Carter" I said walking up stairs to his room. I went and flopped down on the bed. I lay there on my back staring at his ceiling. He came in and positioned himself on top of me. I stared into his eyes as he stared down at me. I lifted my head and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back inserting his tongue into my mouth to find mine. His tongue moved with mine in captivating movements. His fingers brushed against my exposed torso. My body shivered. His hands motioned down to my jeans. He began to fumble with my belt. I wasn't ready to have sex with him. I don't know why but I wasn't maybe it was because this time I felt like I could control when or when not I had sex so I wanted to make sure I was absolutely ready.

I pushed against his chest breaking the kiss.

"Carter I.....I can't do this Carter" I said looking away from him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing I'm just..... I..." I didn't know what to say.

"Were you being honest about the whole not being a virgin thing?" He asked.

"No Carter I wasn't lying, It's just that...." I started.

"It's just that what?" he questioned. I averted my gaze and said nothing.

"Yea I forgot that we don't talk about you" He muttered as he rolled off of me.

"Carter that's not fair" I  said sitting up.

"What do you mean?" He questioned. I inhaled a breath.

"I'm sorry that I don't feel like I can tell you everything Carter, but....... I don't know what." I said burying my face in my hands. I heard  him let out a long sigh and then I felt his arms around me. He kissed my cheek.

"Come on let's find something to do" He stated. I nodded my head and got up with him as he grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

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